Last Name | First Name | Year of Birth | Place of Residence | Fate |
Abrashkin | Izya | 1929 | Kołki, Poland | was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union |
Abrashkin | Mikhail | 1940 | Kołki, Poland | was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union |
Abrashkin | Yakov | 1908 | Kołki, Poland | was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union |
Abrashkina | Klara | 1906 | Kołki, Poland | was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union |
Abrashkina | Riva | 1878 | Kołki, Poland | was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union |
Agber | Meriam | 1916 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Ajnbinder | Baruch | 1915 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Ajnbinder | First name unknown | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Ajzenberg | Aharon | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Ajzenberg | Khana | 1913 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Ajzenberg | Manes | 1902 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Aptecker | Moshe | 1926 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Apteker | Belleh | 1902 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Apteker | Feiga | 1922 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Apteker | Jacob | 1920 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Apteker | Mordechey | 1900 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Aster | Tina | 1913 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Averbuch | Aharon | 1885 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Averbuch | Rivca | 1886 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Azril | Dina | 1908 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Azril | Gershon | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Bar Ber | Moshe | 1900 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Bar Ber | Pesia | 1903 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Barenboim | Chuna | 1912 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Barenboim | Hinda | 1910 | Kołki, Poland | murdered |
Barnbojm | Ester | 1887 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Beckalnitcky | Anech | 1897 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Beckalnitcky | Bela | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Beckalnitcky | Ester | 1896 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Beckalnitcky | Khasia | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Beckalnitcky | Sonia | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Beckalnitcky | Zlata | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Berman | David | 1902 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Berman | Dvora | 1912 | Kołki, Poland | murdered |
Berman | Jacob | 1926 | Kołki, Poland | murdered |
Berman | Nachman | 1908 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Berman | Penchass | 1906 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Berman | Pessach | 1900 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Bernbloom | Barouch | 1890 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Bernbloom | Sippa Uni | 1920 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Biber | Aharon Shmuel | 1891 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Biber | Elkha | Kolka, Poland | murdered | |
Biber | Gecio Getzie | 1916 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Biber | Rivca | 1892 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Biber | Svi | 1914 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Biber | Szmuel Aron | 1892 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Bloot Blut | Eliazer | 1907 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Bloot Blut | Sarah | 1915 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Bloot Blut | Yackov | 1910 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |
Blot Blut | Mordechay | 1885 | Kolka, Poland | murdered |