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Ukraine (USSR)
Jews began to settle in Yarmolintsy in the early 18th century. The Jewish population of the town suffered greatly during an attack by the Haidamaks in 1768. In 1897 the Jewish population of Yarmolintsy stood at 2,633, comprising 50 percent of the total population. In 1919, during the Russian civil war, a pogrom was carried out in the town. In the 1920s and 1930s Yarmolintsy had a Jewish rural council and a Jewish kolkhoz. In 1939 the Jewish population was 1,264. The Nazis occupied the town on July 8, 1941. According to one testimony, 16 Jewish men were shot to death on the next day on the outskirts of the town. The Jews were forced to wear Stars of David on their chests and backs and they were often abused. For example, a Ukrainian auxiliary policeman made a group of Jews form a moving human "bridge" so he could walk over them, while they were lying in the mud. According to the ChGK report, in April 1942 several old Jews were murdered by the Gendarmerie and then their bodies were hanged on trees. Apparently in the summer of 1942, a ghetto was established in the town. At the end of October 1942 the Jews from Yarmolintsy (that had become the regional administrative center of the German administration) and neighboring towns of Frampol, Gorodok, Mikhalpol, and Satanov were taken and held in the former military barracks located near the Yarmolintsy railway station. According to one testimony, during the murder operation that was carried out there several days later a group of Jews put up armed resistance, during which they killed several Ukrainian auxiliary policemen and Germans. Gebietskommissar (regional commissar) Emil Mertes was in charge of this murder operation. Yarmolintsy was liberated by the Red Army on March 27, 1944.
Yarmolintsy District
Kamenets Podolsk Region
Ukraine (USSR) (today Yarmolyntsi
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Abramzon Isak Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Isak Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Izrail Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Khaya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Moyshe Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Raya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Riva Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Shulem Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abramzon Zus Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abrumider Buzya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abrumider Izya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abrumider Minya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abrumider Pesya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Abrumider Yankil Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Akerman Khaya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Akerman Moysey Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Aron Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Azik Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Dora Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Eta Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Falik Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Fanya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Gersh Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Isser Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Liza Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Mira Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Mot Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Moyshe Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Rakhil Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Sema Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Ambinder Tzipa Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Anshin Khaim Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Anshin Khayka Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Anshin Shlima Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Anshina Shlima 1918 Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Aronovich Gitlya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aronovich Khaim Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aronovich Tuba Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Aronovich Zeylak Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Aybinder Mirtza 1911 Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Barak Liya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Baran Abram Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Baran Borukh Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Baran Klara Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Baran Raya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Baran Sara Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bashkov Itzek Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bashkov Tzipa Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bashkov Yutka Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bashkova Manya Yarmolintsy, Ukraine (USSR) murdered