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Russia (USSR)
The Jewish community of Nevel dates back to the eighteenth century. The town was part of the Pale of Settlement. In 1925, the unofficial Committee of Rabbis in the USSR established the Nevel Seminary for rabbis and ritual slaughters; Soviet authorities shut the institution down in 1928. Altogether, 3,178 Jews lived in Nevel in January 1939, accounting for 20 percent of the total population. The Germans occupied Nevel on July 15, 1941. A number of Nevel’s Jews managed to evacuate the town, along with refugees who had fled from other localities. On August 7, 1941, the Germans and local policemen transferred the remaining Jews two kilometers away, along the Leningrad Road, to Golubaya Dacha, where a ghetto had been set up in several buildings. All of Nevel’s Jews were murdered in 1941, some in Golubaya Dacha; another 200 were gathered on one of the hills in Petino and shot into an anti-tank trench. No further details concerning the latter incident are known. The Red Army liberated Nevel on October 6, 1943.
Nevel District
Kalinin Region
Russia (USSR) (today Nevel
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Abolskaya Edya 1925 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Abolskaya Khana 1898 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Abolskaya Menya 1923 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Abolskaya Vera 1923 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Abolski Samuil 1897 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Akselrod Abram 1913 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Abram 1913 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Berta 1892 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Berta 1892 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod First name unknown Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Frida 1926 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Frida 1926 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Frida 1923 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Akselrod Frida Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Ida Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Ida 1935 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Klara 1933 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Klara Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Mariya 1895 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Akselrod Moisei 1915 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Moisey 1915 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Nina 1925 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Akselrod Olga 1924 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Olga 1924 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Olga Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Samuil 1886 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Akselrod Simon 1921 Nevel, Russia (USSR) killed in military service
Akselrod Sofia 1911 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Sofiya 1911 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Sonya Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Yekusim 1924 Nevel, Russia (USSR) killed in military service
Akselrod Zina 1915 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovskaya Beylya Mindlya Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovskaya First name unknown 1885 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovski Beile Mindle Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovski First name unknown 1881 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovski Ikhil Leizer Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovski Leyzer Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aleksandrovski Leyzer Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Alekseev Moisey Nevel, Russia (USSR) killed in military service
Alkhovski First name unknown Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Alperovich First name unknown 1869 Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Alperovich Isaak Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Alperovich Isaak Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Alperovich Khaya Nevel, Russia (USSR) murdered
Ardova Freyda 1914 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Ardova Yelena 1907 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Argov V 1898 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Argova Polina 1924 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Argova Vera 1900 Nevel, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union