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United States of America, A photograph of Secretary of State Kurdel Hull participating in the third Refugee Affairs Committee meeting, 21/03/1944.

From left to right: Kurdel Hull, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau and War Secretary Henry Stimson.
Photos used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/563
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
On 29/06/1941 Jews were brought from Jassy to a train station and were loaded on a trains. The windows were covered with boards and the carriages were closed. The trains were sent from Calarasi to Targu Frumos. The passengers on the trains did not receive food or water, and the heat and lack of space were unbearable. The train left Jassy with 2,430 Jews aboard, it stopped now and then to take out the dead bodies. When the train stopped in Mircesti 327 bodies were taken off the train and they were buried near Iugani. On 06/07/1941 after a six day and seven night journey, they arrived in Calarasi. The Jews...
Archival Signature : 4613/561
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/1093
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Romania conquered Odessa on 16/10/1941 and made it the capital of Transnistria.
Archival Signature : 4613/1092
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/1091
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
They removed their clothes as a result of the terrible heat.
Archival Signature : 4613/562
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Romanian general and statesman, ruler of Romania from 1940 to 1944.
Archival Signature : 4613/95
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/1095
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/286
Credit : Government Press Office
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
From left to right: Kurdel Hull, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau and War Secretary Henry Stimson.
Archival Signature : 4613/145
Credit : Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The boat is on permanent display at the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem.
Archival Signature : 4613/333
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Heavy Soviet artillery unit advancing in the Carelian Peninsula (between lake Laduga and the Finland Bay) in June 1944.
Archival Signature : 4613/713
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The text on the monument reads: "For the members of the Herbert Baum group, executed in 1942/43"; They fell in the battle for peace and freedom".
Archival Signature : 4613/151
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Martin Spett, a Holocaust survivor from New-York City identified the man in front as Rabbi Izek Verobel (son of Shlomo Zlote). He was the Rabbi who prepered him for his Bar Mitzva. The information was subbmitted by Prof. Zvi Ankori (Jerusalem) - son of the Rabbi. According to an item in Yediot Acharonot Holocaust Memorial Day special edition, 12/4/2010, the man in front is Bear (Dov) Ehrlich Sloshni, grandfather of Mossad chief Meir Dagan. He was murdered during the Holoaust. A young local Polish man found the photo and gave it after the war to Jews who returned to Lukow.
Archival Signature : 4613/523
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/620
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/594
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/404
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/698
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/443
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The village Misocz is located 37.5 kilometer southwest of Rovno in northwest Ukraine. The women and children were murdered when the ghetto was exterminated.
Archival Signature : 4613/32
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The village Misocz is located 37.5 kilometer southwest of Rovno in northwest Ukraine. The women and children were murdered when the ghetto was exterminated.
Archival Signature : 4613/33
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/34
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The village Misocz is located 37.5 kilometer southwest of Rovno in northwest Ukraine. The women and children were murdered when the ghetto was exterminated.
Archival Signature : 4613/35
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The photograph is of Jaeger, a doctor in the Wehrmacht. In the "Encyclopedia of the Holocaust" this photograph erroneously appears in the entry concerning SS Standartenfuhrer Karl Jaeger, chief-of-staff of the SD in Lithuania.
Archival Signature : 4613/527
Credit : National Archives and Records Adminstration
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Don Rupino Nikchi saved Jews in Assisi, Italy during the war. Channa Hirsch , one of the Jews he saved, is standing next to him. The Jews were hidden in the monastries.
Archival Signature : 4613/800
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Between 25 June--8 July 1941, thousands of Jews were caught in Kaunas by Lithuanian militiamen and brought to the Seventh Fort which was one of many fortresses in Kaunas�s outskirts which served as a prison. They raped the women and later shot them.
Archival Signature : 4613/614
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/615
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Archival Signature : 4613/662
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
The book was written by Alvira Bauer and was published by Schtiermer publication.
Archival Signature : 4613/258
Credit : The Museum of Jewish Heritage - a Living Memorial to the Holocaust
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Commander of the Jewish Police and chairman of the Judenrat in the Vilna Ghetto.
Archival Signature : 4613/273
Credit : Yad Vashem
Related Collection : Photos Used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
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Archival Signature
Name of Submitter
Moshe Shalvi
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust - Hebrew Edition 1990
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
<>,<>,<>,United States of America
Date of Accession
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