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Lodz, Poland, Trains being loaded at Radegast station.

Colour photographs taken in the Lodz Ghetto by a Austrian photographer named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/275
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/263
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/134
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/67
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/349
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
There were three straw workshops in the ghetto: an upholstery workshop, a brush workshop, and - seen in the photograph - a straw shoe workshop. In the show workshop, straw soles were manufactured for the Wehrmacht soldiers on the Russian front. Straw soles manufactured in the ghetto, along with a tar layer, were used against the cold weather. These shoe soles were stiff, and were therefore used by soldiers whose assignments did not require much walking, such as guards. On the back, wearing a green shirt - Pnina Fuks, who survived and lived in Herzliya (identified by Arie Ben Menachem).
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/247
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/345
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
There were three straw workshops in the ghetto: an upholstery workshop, a brush workshop, and a shoe workshop. In the show workshop, straw soles were manufactured for the Wehrmacht soldiers on the Russian front. Straw soles manufactured in the ghetto, along with a tar layer, were used against the cold weather. These shoe soles were stiff, and were therefore used by soldiers whose assignments did not require much walking, such as guards.
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/242
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
There were three straw workshops in the ghetto: an upholstery workshop, a brush workshop, and - seen in the photo - a straw-shoe workshop. In the show workshop, straw soles were manufactured for the Wehrmacht soldiers on the Russian front. Straw soles manufactured in the ghetto, along with a tar layer, were used against the cold weather. These shoe soles were stiff, and were therefore used by soldiers whose assignments did not require much walking, such as guards.
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/245
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/36
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/20
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/338
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/234
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
This photo was taken from Zgierska St. ("Hohensteiner") from outside the ghetto fence next to the church (behind the trees on the right), looking east into what pre-war was Brzezinska Street, now Wojska Polskiego, called "Sulzfelder" by the occupying Germans. The red brick entrance that can be seen on the left is on the corner of Lagiewnicka ("Hanseaten") and is the entrance to what was then the Jojne Pilcer market.
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/15
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/334
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/326
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/114
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/48
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
This photo was taken from the bridge over Zgierska ("Hohensteiner") next to the church
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/11
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/194
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
At the center - Bajla Rotsztajn, born 1923; on the right - her younger sister, Perla Blima Rotsztajn, born 1925; daughters of Herszel Zvi and Reizel Rachel Rotsztajn. The older sister, Fani, moved to France earlier and survived. Another brother, Yehoszua, escaped to Russia with his wife when the war began, and survived. The youngest son, Mosze, lived in the ghetto with his parents and his two sisters (in the photograph). The father died in the ghetto. Mosze joined his mother and two sister when they were deported to Birkenau. They did not survive. Mosze survived, and recognized his sisters in the photograph.
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/311
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/387
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/162
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/381
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/289
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/285
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/144
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/274
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/354
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
results.listIds.archivalSignature : 3435/262
results.listIds.credit : Jewish Museum Frankfurt
results.listIds.relatedCollection : Colour Photographs Taken in the Lodz Ghetto By a Austrian Photographer Named Walter Genewein
Jewish Museum, Frankfurt
Jewish Museum, Frankfurt
Jewish Museum Frankfurt