Documentary film. This film chronicles the Jewish community in Lodz, Poland, through the story of Yosef Neuhaus. Yosef was born in Lodz in 1924, to Tova-Yona and Zvi Hirsch. In May 1940, he was forced to enter the Lodz ghetto along with his parents and younger sister Zofia, where they lived for four years until their deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau. All of Yosef’s family members were murdered in that camp. Yosef survived and was then imprisoned in several other camps. In...
Nadzieja Umiera Ostatnia (Hope Dies Last), is Halina Birnbaum’s wartime memoir chronicling five years spent first in the Warsaw Ghetto, and then at various concentration camps, including Maidanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Birnbaum, a noted writer, later settled in Israel. In the eponymous film, Birnbaum returns to Poland forty years after having left.