American TV talk show presented by Phil Donahue. Discussion about the Holocaust Denial.
Bradley R. Smith, Revisionist and Holocaust denier, places ads in college newspapaers calling Holocaust a hoax.
David Cole, Jewish documentary maker and Holocaust denier
Dr. Michael Sher, prof. of History
Edith Glueck, Auschwitz survivor
סרט תעודי העוסק בסיפורו של פרד א. לוייכטר הבן (Fred A. Leuchter Jr.), מהנדס מומחה להוצאות להורג, ומכחיש שואה אמריקאי אשר פיתח כיסאות חשמליים ושיטת זריקת רעל קטלנית. לוייכטר התומך בעונש מוות, מתאר בסרט שיטות הוצאה להורג הנהוגות בארה"ב ומסביר גם כי "ממצאים" שגילה בעקבות ניסויים שערך בעצמו במחנות אושוויץ ומיידנק מצביעים על כך כי לא נעשה כל שימוש בגז במחנות הריכוז הנאציים. את מסקנותיו פירסם במסמך "דוח לוייכטר: סופו של מיתוס" (Leuchter Report: The End of a Myth) שפורסם במספר שפות ואומץ בידי ארגוני ימין קיצוני ניאו-נאציים, מה שהפך את לוייכטר, על פי הגדרתו העצמית, ל"רוויזיוניסט בלתי רצוני". לוייכטר גונה בידי ארגונים...
The 10th International Revisionist Conference, Washington D.C., October 13-15, 1990:
John Toland: How his quest for objectivity in telling the history of the WWII led him to "seek out the other side- warriors like Degrelle, Skorzeny, Rudel and von Manteuffel".
(Text and documents) Prof. Robert Faurisson: The law in France that criminalizes Revisionism; The assassination attempt against him in September 1989, his comments on the Pressac book - the Holocaust lobby's answer to the Revisionists.
David Irving: How the officers of the "Battleship Auschwitz"' are engaged in frantic damage control and...
The 11th International Revisionist Conference:
Mark Weber: Evidence of the Holocaust lobby's recognition of the serious threat and ultimate impact of the IHR and Revisionism.
James J.Martin: The methods warmongers use to drive nations into a war fever where no clear and present danger exists.
Jerome Brentar: The campaign that saw the OSI, the Soviets, the Holocaust Lobby and the State of Israel join forces to railroad John Demjanjuk.
Wolf Rudiger Hess: The evidence that convinced him that his father- Rudolf, was murdered by the British as the Soviets & Americans were showing a...
Sixty Minutes selection by Mike Wallace in April 1994. The program presents Ernst Zundel, a Canadian Holocaust denier and Bradley Smith, an American Holocaust denier who placed advertisements in college newspapers around the United States
Based on a true story, this made for TV drama tells of the court battle between Mel Mermelstein, an American Holocaust survivor from Hungarian-Jewish origin, and the Institute for Historical Review, a revisionist organization, over Holocaust denial claims.
Filmed on location at the Auschwitz camp site in Poland, this stunning video by Jewish-American investigator David Cole shows that the “gas chamber” that has been displayed to hundreds of thousands of tourists is actually a propaganda prop. Alicia, an official tour guide, assures David Cole, on camera, that the “gas chamber” in the main camp that is shown to visitors is in its original, unaltered state. Then Dr. Franciszek Piper, head curator of the Auschwitz State Museum, acknowledges to Cole that this “gas chamber” is actually a postwar creation. This video also tackles other Holocaust claims, including the...