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The 10th International Revisionist Conference, Washington D.C., October 13-15, 1990

The 10th International Revisionist Conference, Washington D.C., October 13-15, 1990: John Toland: How his quest for objectivity in telling the history of the WWII led him to "seek out the other side- warriors like Degrelle, Skorzeny, Rudel and von Manteuffel". (Text and documents) Prof. Robert Faurisson: The law in France that criminalizes Revisionism; The assassination attempt against him in September 1989, his comments on the Pressac book - the Holocaust lobby's answer to the Revisionists. David Irving: How the officers of the "Battleship Auschwitz"' are engaged in frantic damage control and may soon be forced to jump ship. Fred Leuchter: The campaign aimed to put him out of business and into prison for blowing the "Whistle on the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz". Dachau War Crimes Trial court reporter Joseph Halow: How propaganda, perjury, torture and vengeance overwhelmed truth and justice during the postwar victor's trials of the vanquished. Canadian journalist Doug Collins: His