A feature film and a comedy. At a mental institution, the resident physician, Dr Cohen, encourages his patients who believe that they are important Nazi figures to act out their fantasies. The therapy sessions show Hitler consolidating his power by assembling his gang of supporters/ They are interrupted at times, because a patient who believes he is Picasso interrupts a session.
A television program. Robert 'Judge' Rinder follows the story of his grandfather, Moses/Moris Maliniczky, a Holocaust survivor, hearing testimony of the horror of Nazi forced labour camps as well as of the hope offered by a new life in Lake Windermere. Investigating the mystery surrounding his great-grandfather, Israel Medalmeyer, leads Robert to a small town in Latvia, where he uncovers a story of mental illness and trauma which will lay some ghosts to rest.
Für 89 psychisch kranke oder behinderte BottroperInnen bedeutete der Euthanasie-Befehl der Nazi-Diktatur das Todesurteil. Nur noch fünf Angehörige dieser Opfer hat der Arbeitskreis "Bottroper Opfer der Euthanasie" 2009 ausfindig machen können.
Die Berliner Regisseurin Alexandra Pohlmeier hat mit ihnen Interviews geführt. Zum ersten Mal in der Nachkriegsgeschichte sprechen Angehörige von Euthanasieopfern über das Schicksal vor der Kamera. Entstanden ist eine schlichte und eindrucksvolle Dokumentation, in der die Töchter, Schwestern und Enkelinnen der Getöteten ihre Erinnerungen schildern. Diese Interviews...