Germany, 1939. At the outbreak of war, Hitler authorizes a programme of mass-murder targeting the nation's disabled people, transporting them from institutions to killing centres. Elise is a patient who sweeps the institution. She doesn't speak and staff assume she doesn't understand. But she watches everything. She watches buses full of patients leave and return empty. When it's her turn, she knows what's in store. Incarcerated, what hope can there be? Based on real events, this is the story of one woman's resistance, in the only way she could.
Perla, a dwarf, is the last living member of a Jewish family of dwarfs that survived Dr. Mengele’s experiments in Auschwitz. She remembers that the Nazis documented her family on film, and dreams of finding the lost reel. Hannelore, a Christian dwarf born in postwar Germany, wants to help Perla fulfill her dream. As she conducts her search, Hannelore notices startling similarities between the Nazi’s goal of creating a perfect society and the “murder” of embryos and babies today, when they are diagnosed as having abnormalities. This story of the friendship between two very short women raises questions of birth...
Für 89 psychisch kranke oder behinderte BottroperInnen bedeutete der Euthanasie-Befehl der Nazi-Diktatur das Todesurteil. Nur noch fünf Angehörige dieser Opfer hat der Arbeitskreis "Bottroper Opfer der Euthanasie" 2009 ausfindig machen können.
Die Berliner Regisseurin Alexandra Pohlmeier hat mit ihnen Interviews geführt. Zum ersten Mal in der Nachkriegsgeschichte sprechen Angehörige von Euthanasieopfern über das Schicksal vor der Kamera. Entstanden ist eine schlichte und eindrucksvolle Dokumentation, in der die Töchter, Schwestern und Enkelinnen der Getöteten ihre Erinnerungen schildern. Diese Interviews...
NS-Propaganda film for „Hereditary health“. In contrasting the bad living conditions of proletarian children with scenes of hospitals for mentally ill, the comment denunciates the “Jewish liberal ideas” that cares more for the “Unuseful” than for healthy members of the German nation. Intertitles say that the percentage of Jews among the mental ill was remarkably high.