Synonyms YV
Dirlewanger, Oskar
Escape of Jews From Nazi-Occupied Poland to the Soviet-Occupied Area
Farkas Benedikt
Felonious Criminals
Horst Riedel
Attitude Towards the Jews - Ukrainian Population
Communist Political Parties
Confiscation of Property
Gestapo - Secret State Police
Histadrout Haloutsit Olamit Hanoar Hatzioni
Infanterie-Ersatz-Regiment 613
Mass Graves
Bovensiepen Otto (1905-1979)
Deportation to Belorussia
Deportees From Austria
Deportees From Germany
10. SS-Infanterie-Regiment (mot.)
Anti-Jewish Legislation - Protectorate
Attitude of the Belorussian Population
Attitude of the Russian Population
Attitude of the Ukrainian Population
Confiscation of Jewish Property
Deportation of German Jews
Deportation of Jews
Deportation of the Jews of Austria