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Transport from Lodz, Ghetto, Poland to Orlahöh, Camp, Poland on 14/11/1941

Departure Date 14/11/1941 Arrival Date 19/11/1941
Passenger train
Jutrosin (Orlahöh) is a townlet on the Orla (Horle) River, about 25 kilometers east of Rawicz. After its occupation by Nazi Germany on September 5, 1939, it was incorporated into Landkreis Rawitsch. In November 1941, a forced labor camp was established with around fifty Jews who had to dig, clean ditches, and build dykes for regulating the Orla River. The camp was headed by Germans from the Reich, Willi Bangol and Albert Tichter, who were assisted by two local ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) called Sukala and Górski. The Jews were guarded and their work was supervised by Polish foremen who sympathized with the Germans. The first transport from the Łódź ghetto arrived in November 1941. After several months in Orlahöh, the prisoners were transferred temporarily for forced labor in other camps, among them the Paulseck camp, also called “Straflager Paulseck,” which had been established in the hamlet of Pawłowo, 3 kilometers from Jutrosin. The inmates were Jews from Poland and Germany.

On November 19, 1941, a contingent of thirty-six Jews arrived in the Orlahöh camp. The Schutzpolizei (Schupo) in Rawicz recorded the arrival date of the transport via Rawicz in its log of activities (Tätigkeitbuch). The entry does not specify where the Jews arrived from....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 36
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 36
    Date of Departure : 14/11/1941
    Date of Arrival : 19/11/1941