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Einsatz Juedischer Arbeiter (Bahnfirmen) (use of Jewish workers by railway companies) in the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1943

Einsatz Juedischer Arbeiter (Bahnfirmen) (use of Jewish workers by railway companies) in the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1943 - Employment of Jews from the Lodz Ghetto paving roads for the Reichsautobahn (RAB-highway) between Posen and Frankfurt; - Correspondence between Hans Biebow from the Getto Verwaltung (GV-Ghetto administration) and Kornmesser from the RAB head office in Berlin regarding payment of a salary for the Jewish workers, due to the refusal of the office to pay since the work in the field was not carried out due to harsh weather conditions. Biebow's letter is dated 17 February 1942, and Kornmesser's reply is dated 22 February 1942; - Lists of workers at Gutsbetrieb Siebenschloe Schen and at the Praust camp near Danzig, at Sdroien near Berent; - Notices regarding those who died: Chajim Pasamonit, 30 January 1942, at the Rawitsch jail; Sally Cohen, 05 February 1942, at the Rawitsch jail; Jews who were hanged due to [attempts to] escape from labor at the Friedrichsweiler camp (the list is with the document); - Report from the GV to the RAB administration in Berlin regarding the transfer of 2,905 male and female workers to labor camps, with itemization of the camps, 12 May 1941; - Shortage of workers in Lodz needed to fill orders from the army; refusal of the GV to transfer any additional workers out of the place; - Decision to harness six Jews to every wagon, due to the shortage of horses for 400 railcarts (wagons); - Announcement from the Mayor of Leslau to the GV regarding the completion of the deportation of the Leslau Jews to the Lodz Ghetto, 29 May 1942; - Negative reports from RAB camps regarding the depressed physical condition of the Jews sent to work; - Lists of transports to labor camps compiled by Arbeitsamt Posen (the Posen Labor Office), 16 May-15 June 1942.
item Id
Type of material
Official documentation
Survey report
File Number
Record Group
M.54 - National and Provincial Archives in Poland
Sub-Record Group
M.54.ZIH - המכון היהודי בורשה
Date of Creation - earliest
Location of Originals