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Transport from Warta, Ghetto, Poland to Chelmno, Extermination Camp, Poland on 24/08/1942

Departure Date 24/08/1942 Arrival Date 27.08.1942
Church of St. Nicholas the Bishop, 3 Kaliska Street, Warta
Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland
At the outbreak of the war, approximately 1,580 Jews lived in Warta, a town in Sieradz (Schieratz) county. They comprised some 35 percent of the town's population.
The German army entered Warta in early September of 1939. The German authorities threatened the Jewish community with deportation, looted their homes, and—in February 1940—established a ghetto, forcing some 1,750 Warta Jews and some fifty Jewish families from Kalisz, Błaszki, and Stawiszyn into an area measuring 200 by 250 meters.
Sonia Klinger - testifies about the deportation from Warta to Chełmno on 27/08/1942
Itta Warshavchik - deported from Warta to Łódź on 24/08/1942
Katriel Monits - testifies about the deportation from Warta to Chełmno on 27/08/1942