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Transport XXVII from Lodz, Ghetto, Poland to Chelmno, Extermination Camp, Poland on 20/03/1942

Departure Date 20/03/1942 Arrival Date 21/03/1942
7 Szklana street, Łódź
A school building on Jonschera (Bertram) street, Marysin
Five houses on Okopowa street (Buchdrucker), Marysin
Marched by foot
Radegast railway station
Passenger train
Kolo, train station
Open freight cars
Mill in Zawadka
Freight Train
Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland

Transport XXVII left the Radegast (Radogoszcz) station on the morning of March 20, 1942. This was the forty-first transport of Jews from the Łódź ghetto to Chełmno since the deportations began in January 1942. There were 1,000 Jews on the train.[1]

On the day of deportation, the temperatures fell once again to 4° below Celsius; there was sun and a westerly wind.[2] Dawid Sierakowiak (b. 1927) noted in his diary on that day: "Winter has returned. Thick snow fell today, and it's really freezing cold. We have no way to get out of this cold. To say nothing of the hunger."[3]

Unlike most of the transports which left in March 1942, a deportation list is available for this transport, but only the names of 910 deportees.[4] In addition to the deportees' names, the list includes other details: their addresses in the ghetto, year of birth, occupation, and a note regarding their marital status.[5] Chaim and Bencjon Rajz, twins, were among the youngest deportees. They were born in 1940.[6] The oldest deportee appears to have been Emanuel Milsztajn (b. 1867).[7]...

    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 1000
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 0
    Date of Departure : 20/03/1942
    Date of Arrival : 21/03/1942