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Transport from Kowale Panskie, Ghetto, Poland to Chelmno, Extermination Camp, Poland on 23/07/1942

Departure Date 23/07/1942 Arrival Date 24/07/1942
Kowale Panskie,Ghetto,Poland
Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland
The first deportation from the Kowale Pańskie ghetto to Chełmno took place on December 7–14, 1941. Within this period approximately 1,000 Jews were transported to the Chełmno extermination camp and murdered there.
Following the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, and in the course of the systematic implementation of the “Final Solution,” the murder process in the Wartheland was accelerated. The authorities began the coordinated liquidation of the ghettos, sending the majority of the inhabitants to Chełmno. The Jews who were categorized as “arbeitsfähig” ("fit for work") were sent to forced-labor camps or to the Łódź ghetto.
From the correspondence found in the Oneg Shabbat Archive, directed by Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum in the Warsaw ghetto, it is apparent that the Jews living in the Kowale Pańskie ghetto were aware of what took place in the Chełmno death camp. In a letter dated April 4, 1942, M. Sadorkiewicz from the village of Pacht wrote an encrypted message to his family in Warsaw: "You ask if we are going to see each other again? This remains a big question mark, because Pinkiert [a burial company] has opened a wholesale business here, not in a natural way, but by way of the law."...
Jacob Bresler - deported from Kowale Pańskie to Chelmno on 23/07/1942