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The Lodz Ghetto - Internal office correspondence, 1941-1942

The Lodz Ghetto - Internal office correspondence, 1941-1942 - The ghetto administration is interested in publishing the work and production situation in the Lodz Ghetto through the communications media, with an emphasis on the fact that people who are unfit for physical work who would be a burden on the German Reich (?) have not remained in the ghetto; letter from Biebow to Ribbe, 16 May 1942, No. 400; - A description of the scope of the orders [placed by] of the Luftwaffe and the preparatory program through the OSTA firm; - Letter signed by Schaumberg (?) to Ribbe with accompanying remarks, dated 01 April 1942, No. 405-409; - Efforts to acquire orders from the Luftwaffe, 17 October 1941, No. 532; - The Jews prefer to hand over hidden property to the Ghetto Verhaltung (GV-Ghetto Administration) in order to prevent its confiscation by the Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (HTO-Main Receivership Bureau East); there is an unspoken agreement between Biebow and Dr. Moser Vicerrasident on that same matter; - Letter from Biebow to Meyer from the Warenverwertung (goods recycling) Department, 28 January 1942, No. 669; - Directives from Biebow to accelerate the handling, appraisal and actual payment for the property voluntarily removed from hiding; suspicion that Rumkowski makes use of this property for unknown purposes of his own, without paying the property owners for it. There are signs of involvement of Gestapo involvement in this same matter. Biebow's letter is dated 19 January 1942, No. 674.
item Id
Type of material
Official documentation
File Number
Record Group
M.54 - National and Provincial Archives in Poland
Sub-Record Group
M.54.ZIH - המכון היהודי בורשה
Date of Creation - earliest
Archival Signature
Location of Originals