חנות מקוונת יצירת קשר אודותינו
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Shattered Night

This docudrama is the reconstruction of the Innsbruck Kristallnacht on November 9th 1938. The bloodiest violence known as Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) took place in town of Innsbruck, on the night of November 9th, 1938. Three people were killed and another man died of injuries a short time later. Twenty-five Jewish families were attacked in their homes and some seriously injured. The synagogue in Sillgasse was destroyed. Based on testimonies by Abi Bauer, Erika Schwarz-Shomroni, Avram Gafni (geb. Erich Weinreb), Dr. Rita Egger, Konstantin Forestier, Paul Unterlechner, Ingeborg Brüll and Richard Benson.