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Murder Story of Briceni Jews on the Edineț Road

Murder Site
Edineț Road
One day in July 1941 Romanian troops took several dozen Jews (many of whome were youngsters) from Briceni to the eastern outskirts of town, 500 meters from the road leading to the town of Edineț. Upon their arrival at the site, some of the Jews were forced to dig pits and afterward the victims were shot by soldiers of the 27th Cavalry Regiment of the Romanian army, under the supervision of their commander General Pascu. Representatives of the Romanian civilian authorities, the gendarmerie (Romanian civil police), and their accomplices also participated in the shooting.
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Azriel Brumberg, who was born in Briceni in 1922 and lived there during the war years, testified:
… a week after [the entrance of Romanian troops into the town]: some young Russian men [before the war] had befriended Jews and [even] spoke Yiddish. Supposedly, they were ostensibly good friends [with some of the Jews]. When the Romanians and the Germans arrived [in the town], they [the Russian young men] joined the Romanians who collected the best of our [Jewish] youth, [some of whom] belonged to the Maccabi Zionist sports club] in the oldest group, they also took my two cousins and all of them were shot to death… they [Romanians] shot to death the best of our youth… this was at the beginning of July… [the names] of my two cousins were Yosale Novak and Velvel Novak… many were [shot to death], I don't know [who] exactly, but [I do know] that the best of our youth was shot to death [on that day].…
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 32272 copy YVA O.93 / 32272
Edineț Road
Murder Site