In early 1942 eight Jewish families from Rotmistrovka, comprising a total of about 30 people, were transported to the town of Smela, the seat of the neighboring county. After a few days in Smela they were taken to a forested area known as Yuryeva Gora, about 5 kilometers northwest of Smela, and shot to death, apparently together with several hundred Jews from Smela and nearby counties. Neither the exact date of this massacre nor the identity of the perpetrators is known. In all likelihood, the murder operation was carried out by German rural and local auxiliary policemen.
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Soviet Reports
From chronological information about German occupation policy and German atrocities in the locality of Rotmistrovka, Rotmistrovka County, March 1945:
...In 1942, in the winter, the police issued an order that the entire Jewish population, that numbered 8 families, should take with them their best belongings and go to the town of Smela. After they stayed there for several days, they were ordered to leave their belongings and to go to Yuryeva Gora near the town of Smela, where all of them were shot…