In early September 1941 (in 1942, according to one testimony) about 30 Jews of all ages and both sexes and non-Jewish members of the Communist Party and government functionaries were taken to a ditch near the Russian Orthodox cemetery and the machine tractor station, on the eastern outskirts of Katerinopol, and shot dead there, apparently by members of Einsatzgruppe C and local auxiliary policemen.
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Written Testimonies
From the Letter of Abram Granovskiy, May 14, 1944:
Just yesterday I returned from Ekaterinopol [Katerinopol], where I stayed for two days…Only one 15-year old girl, Sonya Diament, who three times escaped the shootings, survived out of the entire Jewish population of Ekaterinopol [Katerinopol]...
Sonya told me the following:
…On September 6, 1941 the first 26 people - Party members, government activists, and Jews - were shot in the area of the MTS. Among them were Mendel Inger, Shumer Polinskiy, Shimon Potyagaylo - together with his wife and two children, - Berl Pyatigorskiy, Yankel Myaskovskiy, Leib Myaskovskiy, Golikov, the chairman of the rural council Ponomarenko, the Communist [Party member] Zinchenko, and others….
YVA O.33 / 8143
agricultural machinery and tractor station
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Marina Malchik was born in 1929 in Katerinopol and lived there during the war years