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Murder Story of Katerinopol Jews at the Katerinopol Machine Tractor Station

Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
In early September 1941 (in 1942, according to one testimony) about 30 Jews of all ages and both sexes and non-Jewish members of the Communist Party and government functionaries were taken to a ditch near the Russian Orthodox cemetery and the machine tractor station, on the eastern outskirts of Katerinopol, and shot dead there, apparently by members of Einsatzgruppe C and local auxiliary policemen.
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From the Letter of Abram Granovskiy, May 14, 1944:
Just yesterday I returned from Ekaterinopol [Katerinopol], where I stayed for two days…Only one 15-year old girl, Sonya Diament, who three times escaped the shootings, survived out of the entire Jewish population of Ekaterinopol [Katerinopol]... Sonya told me the following: …On September 6, 1941 the first 26 people - Party members, government activists, and Jews - were shot in the area of the MTS. Among them were Mendel Inger, Shumer Polinskiy, Shimon Potyagaylo - together with his wife and two children, - Berl Pyatigorskiy, Yankel Myaskovskiy, Leib Myaskovskiy, Golikov, the chairman of the rural council Ponomarenko, the Communist [Party member] Zinchenko, and others….
YVA O.33 / 8143
agricultural machinery and tractor station
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Marina Malchik was born in 1929 in Katerinopol and lived there during the war years
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 50761 copy YVA O.93 / 50761