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Murder story of Maciejow Jews in the Lime Quarry near Novy Karagurt

Murder Site
Lime Quarry near Novy Karagurt
Murder site area, recent view
Murder site area, recent view
Sergei Shvardovskii (Ukraine), Copy YVA 14616544
In late August or early September 1942 the ghetto of Maciejów was surrounded by the Gendarmerie (German rural order police) and Ukrainian auxiliary policemen. Some inmates of the ghetto had gone into hiding several days beforehand since a rumor had spread about an impending murder operation; most of them were subsequently found. The remaining Jews, mainly women, children, and elderly people, were collected at the school building and then taken outside the town and shot to death at the lime quarry by a detachment of Security Police and members of the SD from Łuck and of the Gendarmerie (German rural order police).
Related Resources
ChGK Soviet Reports from Maciejow
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזור MACIEJOW, מחוז WOLHYN
We, the undersigned… compiled the following report: ...About 800 (sic) Of them [of Jewish and Ukrainian civilians of Maciejów] were tortured and shot to death and [some] were buried alive on the territory of the lime extraction factory [lime quarry]. …
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-9 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
Lime Quarry near Novy Karagurt
Murder Site
in ;24.333
Murder site area, recent view
Murder site area, recent view
Sergei Shvardovskii (Ukraine), Copy YVA 14616544