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Murder Story of Volochisk Jews at the Brick Factory in the Volochisk Area

Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Apparently in September (or, according to the ChGK report, July or August) 1942 the Jews of Volochisk, mainly women and children, were driven from their homes in the ghetto by Ukrainian auxiliary police and collected at the town's square. Then they were taken to a camp located at the Volochisk railway station. Several days later they were taken by Ukrainian policemen from the camp to the brick factory located north of the town, near Fridrikhovka village. The victims were taken in groups of 50-60 to the edge of a pit, forced to strip naked, and then were shot to death with sub-machineguns by Gendarmerie men or were buried alive. The head of the Gendarmerie named German was in charge of this murder operation.
Related Resources
From the July 30, 1944 report of the Red Army counter-intelligence (SMERSH) to [Nikita] Khrushchev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine re: the interrogation of Nikolay Bidyuk and Alexander Sendik who, while serving in the Ukrainian auxiliary police, took part in the murder operation against Jews from Volochisk
… Approximately in the middle of July [September] 1942 in the town of Volochisk the Gendarmerie carried out a major round-up of Soviet civilians [Jews]. I, [Nikolay Bidyuk], [Alexander] Sendik, [Stepan] Kolodyi, Zub, and other [Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen took part in this round-up. All those who participated in this round-up drove the Soviet civilians out of their homes into the streets and assembled them at the town's square. When up to 4,000 people were collected, they were taken under guard to the camp located at the Volochisk train station. Several days later the Gendarmerie of Volochisk carried out the shooting of these 4,000 people at the brick factory. Sendik, Kolodyi, Zub, and others took part in this shooting. They and I took the Soviet civilians under guard to the brick factory, then they [the victims] were separated from the rest and taken in groups of 50-60 to the big pit where clay used to be extracted and made to strip naked; then they were forced into the pit, placed at the bottom of it, and shot to death with sub-machineguns. All 4,000 Soviet civilians were murdered in the same way. After the shooting ended, I, Sendik, Kolodyi, Zub, and other policemen covered the pit with earth. People in the pit who were still alive were pleading for help and mercy but, despite this, they were covered with earth. On the second day I, Sendik, Kolodyi, and Zub covered the pit a second time since in many places blood had risen to the surface of the pit. ….
TsDAHOU, KYIV 1-23-932 copy YVA M.37 / 173
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)