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Murder Story of Balin Jews in a Clay Pit near Balin

Murder Site
Balin Area
Ukraine (USSR)
On September 2 or 4, 1942 about 200 Jews of Balin were collected on the village square. Ukrainian policemen surrounded the area. After a selection was carried out by the Germans, the young and those capable of work were put into one group and the old and sick people and women with little children - into another. The first group was taken on foot to Kamenets-Podolsk. The second one was taken along the road to the clay pit outside the village that had been prepared as a murder site, on German orders, by local Ukrainian residents. The Jews in that group were shot to death there by a German unit.
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Ida Kats (née Fuler), who was born in 1928 in Balin, testified:
… Rumors reached us that every day the Jews in some town or other had been murdered. On September 5, 1942 it was our turn. We were all collected on the town square and they [the Germans] began to carry out a selection of those able to work, who were put to one side, and the old people, women with nursing babies, and children who were not yet capable of working to the other side. The first group, where I was (since I was 14 years old) together with my father, was taken on foot by the Germans and Ukrainian policemen to a camp in Kamenets-Podolsk. When we had started moving from the square, we heard shooting from submachine-guns. That was how the Germans murdered the rest of the people, who had already been taken to the former clay pit. There my mother, two sisters and my brother, my close relatives, and friends were shot to death….
TYKESh, CHERNIVTSY copy YVA O.33 / 3915
Balin Area
clay pit
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Ida Kats (Fuler) was born in Balin in 1928 and was living there during the war years
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 11210 copy YVA O.93 / 11210
Ilya Kelmanovich was born in Balin in 1930
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 15814 copy YVA O.93 / 15814