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Murder Story of Varena Jews in the Druckūnai-Eserekiai Grove

Murder Site
Druckūnai - Eserekiai Grove
Murder site of Varėna's Jews. A screenshot from the film "Jewish Cemeteries and Monuments in Lithuania," 1991,  Yad Vashem, The Visual Center V 685
Murder site of Varėna's Jews. A screenshot from the film "Jewish Cemeteries and Monuments in Lithuania," 1991, Yad Vashem, The Visual Center V 685
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615928
On September 9, 1941, all the Jews of the town of Varėna were collected in the local synagogue. On that day, even though the Germans had tried to prevent him from doing so, the priest Jonas Gylys entered the synagogue and encouraged the Jews to be brave in their last hours rather than convert to Christianity. On the following day (or, according to another source, on the 9th itself) all of the Jews were taken from the synagogue to Eserekiai - a grove of trees near the village of Druckūnai, 1.5 kilometers from the town, on the side of the road leading to the village. Two large pits had been dug there 25 meters apart, one for the men and one for the women. Lithuanian nationalists forced the victims in groups toward the pits and shot them there. Then the murderers looted the possessions of their victims. According to the report of Karl Jaeger, commander of Einsatzkommando 3A, 831 Jews from Varėna (and the surrounding areas) – 541 men, 149 women, and 141 children – were killed on that day.
Related Resources
The testimony of Lipe Skolski, who was born in Varėna in 1910 and who lived there during the war years, Munich, June 24, 1946[?]:
Testimony of Lipe Skolski, including a list of the dates of murder and the number of Jews murdered by Lithuanians and Germans in the towns of Alytus and Aran, Lithuania during August and September 1941
The Germans entered Aran [Yiddish for Varėna] on June 23, 1941 at 8 in the morning. On Tuesday August 12 ten men were arrested according to a list that had been prepared and were shot in the town of Alytus near Kovno [Kaunas]. On the following Sunday a larger group was also taken to Alytus and shot. On September 1, a Monday, a third group, of about 25 men, was taken to Alytus and shot. On Friday September 5 a fourth group, consisting of members of 2 families headed by Gershom Miller and Yisrael Kosovsky, and of a third family (whose name I no longer remember), including the women and children, was also taken to Alytus and shot. On September 8 all the Jews from the Aran station were taken into Aran, where the Jews from the town were being held in the synagogue. Two days later, at 6 in the morning, all of them were taken about 1.5 kilometers from the town on the way to the village of Druckūnai, where two pits 25 meters in length had been dug. There the men were shot in one pit and the women in the other. All of these murder operations were carried out by Lithuanians and Germans.
YVA M.1 / 2314
Druckūnai - Eserekiai Grove
Murder Site
Murder site of Varėna's Jews. A screenshot from the film "Jewish Cemeteries and Monuments in Lithuania," 1991,  Yad Vashem, The Visual Center V 685
Murder site of Varėna's Jews. A screenshot from the film "Jewish Cemeteries and Monuments in Lithuania," 1991, Yad Vashem, The Visual Center V 685
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615928