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Jews began to settle in Deraźne in the early 17th Century. In 1897, the town was home to 770 Jews, who made up about 51 percent of the total population.

In the aftermath of World War I, Deraźne was incorporated into the Second Polish Republic. In 1921, there were 624 Jews in the town, comprising 89 percent of its population.

In the interwar period, the Jews of Deraźne made their living from trade and petty industry, owning several flour mills and a brick factory. Most Zionist parties had branches in Deraźne. The town had a Zionist, Hebrew-language Tarbut school and a Jewish public library.

In September 1939, the Red Army entered the town following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and Deraźne became part of Soviet Ukraine. Private businesses were nationalized, and all Jewish institutions and organizations were forced to disband.

The Germans occupied the town on July 2, 1941. In the summer and fall of 1941, the German occupying authorities introduced a series of anti-Jewish measures. The Jews of Deraźne were required to wear the Star of David; they were forced to perform hard labor and forbidden to leave the town without permission. The German authorities also decreed the establishment of a Judenrat (Jewish Council).

On October 5, 1941, the Germans set up an unfenced ghetto in Deraźne, and Jews from the town itself and from nearby villages were concentrated there. The total number of inmates was about 1,000. In May 1942, most of the able-bodied men were sent to forced labor in work camps outside the ghetto, and its remaining population consisted mostly of women, children, and elderly people.

On August 24, 1942, the ghetto was liquidated, and its inmates – the Jews of Deraźne and those of the nearby village of Osowa Wyszka – were shot by an SD unit in an area near Kostopol. Jews from the nearby town of Stepań were also murdered at that site around the same time. In fall 1942, the Ukrainian police and the German Gendarmerie caught 152 Jews who had been hiding and shot them outside Deraźne, in the Bechalskyi Forest.

Deraźne was liberated by the Red Army on February 5, 1944.

Kostopol District
Wolyn Region
Poland (today Derazhne
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Akselrud Lazar 1899 Derazhno, Poland was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Apokorin Moshe 1912 Derazne, Poland killed in military service
Balda Leyzer 1923 Derazhnoye, Poland was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Balda Yankel 1913 Derazhnoye, Poland was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Baru Hershel Derazhno, Poland murdered
Baru Meni Mani 1912 Derazhno, Poland murdered
Baru Nuni Derazhno, Poland murdered
Baru Szmuel 1907 Derazne, Poland murdered
Baru Yaakov Derazhno, Poland murdered
Belinski Josef Derazno, Poland murdered
Belinski Pessach Derazno, Poland murdered
Ber Adelia 1910 Derazne, Poland murdered
Berger Asher 1924 Derazne, Poland murdered
Berger Bluma 1917 Derazne, Poland murdered
Berger Bracha 1896 Derazhna, Poland murdered
Berger Brakha 1896 Derazne, Poland murdered
Berger Fajwel Shraga 1886 Derazne, Poland murdered
Berger Feiga 1930 Derazne, Poland murdered
Berger Pinkhas 1911 Derazne, Poland murdered
Bilinski Khaim 1916 Derazne, Poland murdered
Bilinski Mendil 1920 Drazna, Poland murdered
Bilinski Pesakh 1918 Drazna, Poland murdered
Binenbojm Doba 1903 Derazhna, Poland murdered
Blinder Aszer 1912 Derazne, Poland murdered
Blinder Ester 1894 Derazhna, Poland murdered
Blinder Ruwen 1892 Drazna, Poland murdered
Blinder Wolf 1908 Derazne, Poland murdered
Brat Leibil Drazna, Poland murdered
Brat Matil Drazna, Poland murdered
Brat Rachel 1910 Drazna, Poland murdered
Burshtein Leib Drazna, Poland murdered
Burshtein Tzurtel 1882 Drazna, Poland murdered
Bursten Simha 1896 Drazna, Poland murdered
Chasyd Jesajahu 1920 Drazna, Poland murdered
Chasyd Szyfra 1923 Derazne, Poland murdered
Chusid Schefra 1924 Derazne, Poland murdered
Czerepicznik Bracha 1909 Derazne, Poland murdered
Elenter Chawa 1898 Derazno, Poland murdered
Elenter Chawa Drazna, Poland murdered
Elenter Cwi 1925 Derazhno, Poland murdered
Elenter Sender 1896 Derazno, Poland murdered
Elenter Sender Drazna, Poland murdered
Elenter Tzvi Drazna, Poland murdered
Epelboim Efraim Derazne, Poland murdered
Epelboim Josef 1894 Derazne, Poland murdered
Epelboim Toiba 1898 Derazne, Poland murdered
Fainstein Sonia 1914 Derazhna, Poland murdered
Fajn Bozia 1904 Derazhno, Poland murdered
Fajn Chaja 1882 Derazhna, Poland murdered
Fajn Pesakh Derazhno, Poland murdered