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There were Jews living in Horyńgród (Kripa in Yiddish) in the second half of the 18th century. In 1897, under the rule of the Russian Empire, Jews made up approximately 28 percent of the town's total population. After World War I, Horyńgród was incorporated into the independent Polish Republic. In 1921, it was home to 307 Jews, who comprised 15 percent of the total population of the town. In the interwar period, most local Jews were petty traders and peddlers. Some Zionist parties and their youth movements (HeHalutz and Beitar) were active in the town. After September 17, 1939, with the arrival of the Red Army in the aftermath of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Horyńgród became part of Soviet Ukraine. The Germans occupied Horyńgród in the first days of July 1941. On July 6, fourteen (or, according to another source, twenty-five) Jewish men were shot dead by a Ukrainian police unit outside of town, at a site near the village of Babin. On the next day, some local Ukrainians carried out a pogrom in the town, in which some thirty Jews were murdered; another ten died later of their wounds. In September 1942, the remaining Jews of Horyńgród (mostly women and children) were resettled in the ghetto of the nearby town of Tuczyn. They were killed during the liquidation of the Tuczyn Ghetto. Horyńgród was liberated by the Red Army in January 1944.
Rowne District
Wolyn Region
Poland (today Horyngrad Pershy
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Albert Rivka Kripa, Poland murdered
Arest Barukh 1915 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Bunia Orengrad, Poland murdered
Arest Bunia 1935 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Cipa 1889 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Dina 1875 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Dina Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Arest First name unknown Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Arest First name unknown Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Henia Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Henja 1912 Orengrad, Poland murdered
Arest Iankel Orengrad, Poland murdered
Arest Jhoszua 1895 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Jontl 1905 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Joszua 1885 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Mendel 1913 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Mose 1907 Orengrad, Poland murdered
Arest Moshe 1899 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Pinchas 1915 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Shabtai 1905 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Arest Yom Tov 1902 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Brichka Mirjam 1907 Goringrod, Poland murdered
Erst Henia 1910 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Erst Moshe Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Freinkel Leibisz 1905 Kripa, Poland murdered
Fridman Asia 1896 Kripa, Poland murdered
Fridman Meir 1895 Kripa, Poland murdered
Geler Hajim 1923 Orengrad, Poland murdered
Geler Jene 1904 Orengrad, Poland murdered
Geler Rikl Rikel 1906 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Geller Chaim 1921 Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Geller Pesah 1924 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Geller Yonah Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Grinberg Khaia Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Mania Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Mania Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Meir 1910 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Mejer 1902 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Nekhama Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Pirel Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Rejzel 1907 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Yana Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grinberg Zysia Zisia 1914 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Grushka Towa 1940 Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Grushka Yenta 1915 Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Grushka Yosef 1879 Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Grushke Aaron Arel 1913 Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Gruska Abraham 1936 Horingrod Krupa, Poland murdered
Gruszka Aron 1916 Horyngrod, Poland murdered
Gruszka Avraham Horyngrod, Poland murdered