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Jewish settlement in Kozin dates from the mid-16th century. During the uprising of Bogdan Chmelnitsky (1648-1649), the Jewish community of Kozin was destroyed. However, it eventually recovered, and by 1897, while under the rule of the Russian Empire, the town was home to 972 Jews, who made up one half of the total population. After World War I, Kozin was incorporated into the independent Polish state. The census of 1921 recorded 550 Jewish inhabitants in Kozin, and in 1931 there were 599 Jews living in the town. The Jews of Kozin traded in agricultural produce and were petty merchants and artisans. Several Zionist parties (HaMizrahi and others) and youth movements (Beitar and HeHalutz) were active in the town, and a Talmud Torah operated there. After September 17, 1939, with the arrival of the Red Army in the town, following the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, Kozin became part of Soviet Ukraine. In mid-1941, the town was home to an estimated 650 Jews. The Germans occupied Kozin on June 24, 1941. A few days later, they ordered all the town's Jewish men to assemble, and local Ukrainians identified those whom they considered Soviet activists. These men were then shot dead. A few weeks later, the Germans set fire to the synagogue and its Torah scrolls, and twenty Jews were murdered. In the summer and fall of 1941, the Germans introduced a series of anti-Jewish measures in Kozin: Jews were required to wear armbands with the Star of David (replaced later with a yellow circular patch); they had to perform forced labor with little or no compensation, and they were forbidden to leave the town's limits. In late May 1942, the German authorities established a ghetto in Kozin, which housed Jews from the town itself and from the surrounding villages. Eight days later, following a selection in which the skilled workers and their families had been singled out and allowed to remain in the ghetto, about 400 Jews were killed by a German unit in the nearby village of Hranówka, just southeast of Kozin. Some Jews avoided this murder operation by hiding in the ghetto. Once the operation was over, many of those who had hidden outside the ghetto returned to the ghetto, under the illusion that those who were working would not be killed. In early October 1942, the Kozin Ghetto was liquidated, and its remaining inmates were killed by German units outside the town, near the same village of Hranówka. On the eve of this murder operation, several dozen Jews succeeded in escaping from the ghetto, but many of them were subsequently caught by the Ukrainian auxiliary police and shot dead. Kozin was liberated by the Red Army on March 19, 1944.
Dubno District
Wolyn Region
Poland (today Kozyn
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Abramson Aba 1917 Kozin, Poland murdered
Abramson Iza 1917 Kozin, Poland murdered
Akerman Dobrish 1927 Kozin, Poland murdered
Akerman Leib Efraim 1886 Kozin, Poland murdered
Akerman Sara 1886 Kozin, Poland murdered
Altman Moszko Kozyn, Poland not stated
Auerbach Auerbukh Elazar Kozin, Poland murdered
Auerbukh Khaia Kozin, Poland murdered
Averbakh Aberbakh Yaakov 1908 Kozin, Poland murdered
Averbuch Jakow 1880 Kozin, Poland murdered
Averbuch Yetta Ita 1910 Kozin, Poland murdered
Awerbuch Ita 1910 Kozin, Poland murdered
Awerbuch Jakow Leib 1900 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bajcz Eliahu Kozin, Poland murdered
Bajcz Pinchas Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Aizik 1933 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Aizik Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Binjamin 1895 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Chaja 1898 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Dawid 1900 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Dvora 1905 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Feige Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Feige Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Feige Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Jankel 1905 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Malka Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Miriam 1929 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Moni Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Monia 1930 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Mono Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Moshe Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankier Riwka 1912 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Beniamin 1890 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir David 1895 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Dinka 1928 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Dvora 1895 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Etia 1920 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Fania 1929 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Khaia 1894 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Khana Gitel 1892 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Rivka 1918 Kozin, Poland murdered
Bankir Yaakov 1893 Kozin, Poland murdered
Barer Yosef 1914 Kozin, Poland murdered
Barnasz Bina Kozin, Poland murdered
Barnasz Brajna 1885 Kozyn, Poland murdered
Barnasz Szymon 1898 Kozin, Poland murdered
Beder Dov 1907 Kozin, Poland murdered
Beder Gitel 1890 Kozin, Poland murdered
Beder Bader Dow 1900 Kozin, Poland murdered
Beder Bader Etya Edia 1882 Kozin, Poland murdered