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Russia (USSR)
Jews first settled in Kislovodsk after the middle of the 19th century. In 1939 the Jewish population of 766 comprised 1.5 percent of the total city population. Between the beginning of the war and early August 1942 Kislovodsk, in the Soviet interior, accommodated more than 6,000 evacuees and refugees from the Crimea, the Rostov District, and other areas. On August 5, 1942 it became known that the Germans were approaching Mineralnyye Vody. The evacuation of local sanatoria and offices began but it was not organized properly and many people remained in Kislovodsk because of bureaucratic obstacles. Some residents attempted to flee from the city on their own but it was too late since Kislovodsk was occupied by the Germans on August 10, 1942. The German authorities issued an order that required the Jewish population to be registered. Then a Judenrat of seven members was appointed. Two days later the Jews were required to wear white Stars of David badges on their chests. Then the Jews were forced to pay a "tax," which was collected by the Judenrat. The Jewish men performed forced labor, e.g., building roads and an air field. The Jews in Kislovodsk were killed in several murder operations. More than 1,800 local Jews were shot, together with other Jews, in Mineralnyye Vody, near the glass factory in early September 1942. In late August – early September 1942 a local school building was used as a Gestapo prison. 150 Jews were brought there from the Crimea and other places in the Stavropol District. Some sources stated that this number included some non-Jews. The building was guarded by four armed policemen. For about three weeks the Jews were kept in the school building without being given any food. When some of these prisoners were allowed to leave the building in search of food, they were able to make contact with the local population. The shooting of the Jewish prisoners was carried out in September 1942. Kislovodsk was liberated by the Red Army on January 10, 1943.
Kislovodsk City District
Ordzhonikidzevskiy Kray Region
Russia (USSR) (today Kislovodsk
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Abakumov Moisey 1908 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) killed in military service
Abramovich Izya Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abramovich Sara Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abramovich V Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abramovich Yakov Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abramovich Yelena Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abramovich Yelena Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimov Genrieta 1925 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimov Genrieta 1925 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimov Yekaterina 1894 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimov Yekaterina 1894 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimova Gisya Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimova Sofia Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimova Sofya 1925 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Abrosimova Sofya 1925 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Ageeva Ruf 1938 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Akovman Mikeka Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Alla Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Alla Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Alla Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Vladochka Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Akselrod Vladochka Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aldshuler Maria Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Alshvang First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Ansheles Faina Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Ansheles Foma Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Atlas First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Averbakh Margarita Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Avrushenko M 1880 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Avrushenko Raisa 1909 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Bakser Raya Revekka Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Balazovskaya First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Balazovskaya Frida Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Balazovski First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bartnik First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baskina Anna Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baskina Bronislava Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baskina Ella Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baskina Sofia Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baumgoltz First name unknown 1880 Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baumgoltz First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baumgoltz Iddan Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baumgoltz Ioann Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Baumgoltz Iogan Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bekker Doma Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bekker Dora Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bekker First name unknown Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bekker Liza Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bekker Mira Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bekker Raisa Kislovodsk, Russia (USSR) murdered