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Belorussia (USSR)
About 400 Jews lived in Bogushevichi before the war.

Bogushevichi was occupied by the Germans in July 1941. A ghetto was set up in a former local school, on every floor of which, a large number of families were forced to live in the small classrooms. They survived on the small supply of food that they managed to bring with them and had no washing facilities. Local policemen raped some of the Jewish girls. When the weather turned cold, an epidemic of scarlet fever broke out and many of the children died.

Most of the local Jews, along with some from Seliba, were killed in the fall of 1941. Those who remained were taken to Berezino.

The Red Army liberated the town in July 1944.

Berezino District
Mogilev Region
Belorussia (USSR) (today Bahushevichy