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Russia (USSR)
Jews first settled in Starodub at the beginning of the 17th century. In 1648 the Jews of the town were attacked by Cossacks who occupied the town. In 1708 about 50 Jews were murdered by local residents. Jews resettled in Starodub at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1891 the Jewish population of the town suffered a pogrom initiated by local merchants of the Old Believer faith who resented competition from the Jews. Another pogrom took place in the fall of 1905, when a synagogue and many small Jewish shops were set on fire and some Jews were killed. In 1910 the Jewish community of Starodub had a one-year vocational school for men, a private vocational school for women, and a talmud torah. During the early Soviet period most Starodub Jews were artisans. There was also a Jewish kolkhoz in the town. In 1939 Starodub's 1,629 Jews comprised almost 13 percent of the total population. The town was occupied by the German troops on August 18, 1941. In late September about 1,400 Jews were forced into a ghetto in the Belovshchina neighborhood on the outskirts of Starodub. The ghetto population was liquidated in two major murder operations – in October 1941 and in March 1942. 150 more Jews died due to the harsh living conditions in the ghetto. Starodub was liberated by the Red Army on September 22, 1943.
Starodub District
Orel Region
Russia (USSR) (today Starodub
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Agranovski Leiba Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Agronov Izrail 1892 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Agronov Izrail 1892 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Agronova Beatrisa 1936 Starodub, Russia (USSR) not stated
Agronova Lyubov 1903 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Agronova Lyubov 1903 Starodub, Russia (USSR) not stated
Agronovski Leyba 1879 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Aronov First name unknown Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aronov Leiba Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aronzon Ana 1878 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Aronzon First name unknown Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Arshavskaya Elka Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Arshavskaya Khaya Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Arshavski Fanya 1890 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Arshavski Leiba 1870 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Arshavski Yakov 1930 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Askin Boris Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnin Abram 1890 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnina Anna 1925 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnina Ester 1900 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnina Nikhama 1870 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnina Sofya 1925 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnovich Miriam 1860 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Asnovich Vilf 1862 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Astnina Esfir 1903 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Astnina First name unknown Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Averbakh Lyubov 1884 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Averbakh Maisey 1884 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Averbakh Maria 1912 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Averbakh Tamara 1924 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Averbark Nikolay 1909 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Babovnikov Yefim 1876 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bakhrakh Ela 1940 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bakhrakh Ida 1910 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bakhrakh Moisey 1882 Starodub, Russia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Bakhrakh Naum 1934 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bakhrakh Raia 1936 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Bakhrakh Zoia 1938 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Basin Izrail 1928 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Basin Venia 1872 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Basov Basia Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Batyuchenko Malka 1908 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belenkaya Riva Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belenki Stera Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belkin Berl 1881 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belkin Doba 1928 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belkin Khaia Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belkin Lazar 1926 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belkina Doba 1937 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered
Belodubrovskaya Lena 1901 Starodub, Russia (USSR) murdered