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Russia (USSR)
Former Ghetto in Surazh. Contemporary view. Photographer: 	Liliya Skok, 2011.
Former Ghetto in Surazh. Contemporary view. Photographer: Liliya Skok, 2011.
Liliya Skok, Copy YVA 14616235
Jews apparently first settled in Surazh in the first half of the 18th century. In 1897 the Jewish population of Surazh of 2,398 comprised 60 percent of the total population. The Jews of Surazh suffered from pogroms in October 1905 and at the end of winter and in the spring of 1917. In 1918 a pogrom was carried out in Surazh by Red Army soldiers. In 1939 the 2,052 Jews of Surazh comprised about 23 percent of the total population. The town was occupied by the Germans on August 17, 1941. The Jews were forced into a ghetto after which the homes they left were damaged and then burned. In March 1942 all the ghetto inmates were shot near Kislovka village. Surazh was liberated by the Red Army on September 25, 1943.
Surazh District
Orel Region
Russia (USSR) (today Surazh
Former Ghetto in Surazh. Contemporary view. Photographer: 	Liliya Skok, 2011.
Former Ghetto in Surazh. Contemporary view. Photographer: Liliya Skok, 2011.
Liliya Skok, Copy YVA 14616235