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Ukraine (USSR)
Jewish settlement in Orinin began at the end of the 16th century. During the Chmielnitsky uprising (1648-1649) the town was razed and the Jewish community annihilated. The Jewish community was apparently reestablished during the 18th century. In 1897 Jewish population was 2,142 or 37 percent of the total population. During the first days of World War I Cossacks units carried out a pogrom against Orinin's Jews. In 1919, during the pogroms of the Russian civil war, the Ukrainian army of Symon Petliura killed 40 Jews in Orinin, wounded many others, and looted Jewish property. Under the Soviets the town had a Jewish council and a Jewish kolkhoz called "Nayer Veg" ("New Way" in Yiddish). Jewish craftsmen and artisans worked in state-owned cooperatives, such as that of the tailors, "Royter kustar" ("Red Artisan" in Yiddish). A Yiddish school with a library operated in the town until the late 1930s. In 1939 the Jewish population of 1,508 comprised 25.3 percent of the total.

On July 7, 1942 the Germans entered Orinin. According to one testimony, apparently in the late summer of 1941, a group of Jews from the Hungarian-controlled Carpatho-Rus area was deported to Orinin by the Hungarian authorities. After being held for about 10 days at a printing house, the Jews were shot to death by Germans. Several Jews, mainly teenagers who had managed to escape the shooting, returned to Orinin. Several Jewish families in the town took them into their homes and rovided them with food. After a short period of time the escapees left Orinin.

In late June 1942 the local Jews, apparently some refugees, and Jews from the nearby localities, were ordered to assemble at the town square. A selection was carried out and about 250 skilled workers were put aside and transferred to the Kamenets-Podolsk ghetto. The rest, guarded by Ukrainian auxiliary police, were shot to death by Germans outside of the town. The valuables of the victims were taken to Kamenets-Podolsk; other items were given to the Ukrainian policemen and the collective farmers. After the murder operation the Germans looted the Jewish homes in Orinin.

Orinin was liberated by the Red Army on March 25, 1944.

Orinin District
Kamenets Podolsk Region
Ukraine (USSR) (today Orynyn
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Apteker Moshe Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Apteker Sonya Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenkar Moshe 1882 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenkar Moshe 1883 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenkar Shaul 1906 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenkar Tzilia 1886 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenkar Zily 1884 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenker Moshe 1882 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenker Tzilya 1894 Orynin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Aptenker Tziva 1884 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Balachowski Szmiel 1902 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Balokhovskaya Biltza 1939 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Balokhovski Gershel 1936 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Balokhowski Hershel Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Balokhowski Hiuda Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Balokhowski Rachel 1911 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Barenboim Sheiva 1910 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Beckerman Riva 1913 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Beferman Enia 1896 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Beferman Idl 1892 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Beferman Shepsl 1867 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bein Gitl 1878 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bekerman Beila 1922 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bekerman David 1883 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bekerman David 1933 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bekerman Efim 1934 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bekerman Yakhad 1887 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bichucher Brakha Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bichucher Etia Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bichucher Khana Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bichucher Mendel Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bichucher Shlima Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bichucher Yosef Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bit Anna 1921 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Bit Khaim 1887 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bit Sheiva 1916 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bit Sura 1887 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Blat Fim 1931 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Blat Khana 1929 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Blat Lyuba 1904 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Blat Nyusya 1933 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Blat Yakov 1901 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Blat Yevgeniya 1922 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Blom Blum Leib 1890 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Blom Blum Mordekhai 1922 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Blom Blum Naftula 1927 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Blom Blum Sosia 1891 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bodner Bobtzia Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bodner Olya 1923 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bodner Polia 1896 Orinin, Ukraine (USSR) murdered