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Belorussia (USSR)
Jews began to settle in Svisloch in the 17th century. In 1926 the town had 742 Jews, who comprised 41 percent of the total population. Most Svisloch Jews were small-scale merchants or made their living from the lumber industry, agriculture, or crafts. In the 1930s, when private trade was restricted, former merchants had to find other occupations. During those years numerous of the town's Jews left. In the 1920s and 1930s a Yiddish elementary school operated in the town. Svisloch was occupied by German forces in July 1941. The Jews of the town were killed in two murder operations in October of that year. The Red Army liberated Svisloch on June 27, 1944.
Osipovichi District
Mogilev Region
Belorussia (USSR) (today Svislach
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Aizenman Aizik Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Aizenman Grunja 1925 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Aizenman Gruntza 1924 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Aizenman Zelda Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Arinovich Malka Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Arinovich Sonya 1927 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Arinovich Yankel Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Arinovich Yudes 1924 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Awerbuch Musia 1922 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzeman Genya 1921 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzeman Isaak 1887 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzeman Rakhil 1886 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzeman Solomon 1915 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzenman Ayzik Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzenman Misha 1920 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Ayzenman Roza Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barschai Eisif 1883 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barschai Isak 1928 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Dina 1922 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Dora 1886 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Dusya Dynya 1920 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Faiva Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Faya 1896 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai First name unknown 1930 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) survived
Barshai Liba Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Sarra Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Veniamin Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshai Berish Lev 1930 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) survived
Barshay Dina Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshay Fanya 1904 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Barshay Fayva Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshay Genya Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshay Lyolya 1921 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barshay Riva Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Barsuk Zalmon 1878 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bobkov Garri 1937 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Afroim Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Igdal Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Isaak 1926 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Isaak Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Peysya Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Rakhel Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Bort Sonya Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Burda Brushka 1896 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Burda First name unknown Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Burda First name unknown Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Burda Frida Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Buslovich Alter Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered
Buslovich Alya 1933 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) was registered following the evacuation/ in the interior of the Soviet Union
Buslovich Avrom Leib 1892 Svisloch, Belorussia (USSR) murdered