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Reverdy Charles & Elise (Robardet); Daughter: Riondet Louise (Reverdy)

Reverdy, Charles-Louis Reverdy, Elise Riondet, Louise (Reverdy) Albert Amar, originally from Thessaloniki, Greece, moved to Paris with his family in 1920 and married Nina Tiano in 1930. Their daughter, Micheline, was born in 1932 and their son, Didier, in 1934. Albert worked in the family-owned bank: Saul Amar. Following the German invasion of France in May 1940, the bank’s administration moved to Vichy, and the family moved into a boarding house. In March 1941 the Amars decided to move to Aix-les-Bains (Savoie), then under the control of the Italians. There Nina searched for apartments for the bank employees. At first they lived at the Moderne Hotel, owned by Charles-Louis Reverdy and his wife, Elise; their daughter, Louise, worked at the hotel. During their stay there, the Amars became quite friendly with the owners. In September 1943, following the signing of the armistice between the Italians and the Allies, the Germans occupied Italian-controlled territory in France, including Aix-les-Bains. Charles-Louis Reverdy was the deputy mayor of the town and also a high-ranking member of the Resistance. He had a dedicated cadre of municipal workers who prepared authentic identity papers as well as ration cards for those in need, including Jews. Mr. Reverdy provided the Amars with false papers in the name of “Aubert” and sent them with an escort to Saint-Felix (15 km away). Two weeks later, Reverdy notified them of the immediate danger facing them, and they found shelter in Rumilly. Meanwhile, several members of the Amar family, including Albert’s parents, were arrested and deported to Auschwitz, where they were murdered. A short while later the Reverdys again told them that the French militia was searching for them. They returned to Aix, and Elise and Louise then took them to a hotel in Bourget-du-Lac owned by their relatives. The Amars eventually found a place to live in the townlet but remained in touch with the Reverdys, who often brought them food and also kept their documents, money, and personal property in safekeeping until the liberation. On February 14, 2012, Yad Vashem recognized Charles and Elise Reverdy and their daughter, Louise Riondet, as Righteous Among the Nations.
Last Name
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Date of Birth
Date of Death
Item ID
Recognition Date
Ceremony Place
No known next of kin
Wall of Honor
File Number