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Voronina Vera

Striletskaya Darya and Voronina Vera
Striletskaya Darya and Voronina Vera
Striletskaya, Darya Voronina, Vera Cherletskaya, Liubov Darya Striletskaya, Vera Voronina and Liubov Cherletskaya lived in the Jewish collective farm (kolkhoz), ‘Molotov’, in the village of Dobrushino (Yevpatoria County, Crimea). They maintained friendly relations with their neighbors, the Jewish Shafranskii family that lived on the same kolkhoz. The Shafranskii family consisted of Tsilya, the mother, with her two sons and three daughters. In 1941, the oldest daughter was 19 years old while the youngest was an infant. When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, the sons were conscripted into the Red Army. The Germans occupied the area in November 1941, and in early December all the Jews in the village were forced to register and then taken out and murdered. Tsilya and her daughters, however, escaped the massacre and came to Darya Striletskaya, who lived with her husband and four young children. She arranged various hiding places in her house for Tsilya and her daughters. However, two weeks later, when the Germans and local collaborators were inquiring about escaped Jews, Tsilya decided to move on. They then came to Vera Voronina, who lived with a daughter and her husband’s parents in the same village, and received temporary shelter there until the next search by the police. They next found shelter with Liubov Cherletskaya in the village of Opan situated some 3 km from Dobrushino, in the same kolkhoz. Liubov lived there with her three children. From the winter of 1942, mother and daughters hide in the fields and both Darya Striletskaya and Liubov Cherletskaya, brought them food and took them in during the harsh days. They stayed there until the area was liberated by the Soviets in May 1944. The Jewish family continued to live in the Crimea and maintained warm relations with their rescuers. On October 23, 2000, Yad Vashem recognized Darya Striletskaya, Vera Voronina and Liubov Cherletskaya as Righteous Among the Nations.
Last Name
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Date of Birth
Item ID
Recognition Date
Ceremony Place
Kiev, Ukraine
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number