Ragna Volder
On 26 October 1942 Jewish males were rounded up in Oslo, resulting in enormous fear among all Jews. Sara Ernst, whose daughter had shortly before married a Norwegian Christian, turned to her in-law – the mother of her new son-in-law, Ragna Volder and asked her for help. Volder did not hesitate and sheltered Sara in her home for several weeks until contact was made with the Norwegian underground and Sara could be taken to Sweden. With a group of other Jews she was hidden in a truck, covered by straw and other items. In the group was a mother with her small children. The children were drugged so that they would not cry or make noise at the checkpoints on the way. They reached safety in Sweden and spent the war years there.
Ragna, who did not hesitate to help the mother of her daughter in law, was described by her grandson as a very pious woman, who believed it was her duty to help others.
On 4 May 2008, Yad Vashem recognized Ragna Volder as Righteous Among the Nations.