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Radukhivski Mikhail & Radukhivskaya Maria ; Son: Mikhail

The rescuer couple
The rescuer couple
Radukhivski, Michał Radukhivskaya, Mariya Radukhivski, Mikhail Michał Radukhivski, a Pole, lived with his Ukrainian wife, Mariya, and their only son, Mikhail, in the village of Radynia Gerynia (Stanisławów District, today Ivano-Frankivsk). Before the war, Michał worked in a leather processing plant, which belonged to the Jewish Adler family located in nearby Bolechów. Mikhail was a classmate of Józek Adler, the son of the plant owner. On July 3, 1941, the Germans occupied Bolechów (now Bolekhiv). Józek, his parents, and other Jews were interned in a ghetto and in labor camps established in the vicinity. Each Sunday, on his way to church, Michał would pass by the camp where the Adlers were and would hand them packages of food. Once he said that if their situation worsened he would be prepared to hide them in his home. During 1942-1943, most of the Jews of Bolechów were murdered. Two of the remaining members of the community were Józek and his cousin, Salek Adler. At the end of August 1943, when the labor camp was being liquidated, the two escaped and went in the direction of the village of Radynia. Fortunately, on their way they met Michał who told the young refugees to wait in the forest until nightfall and only then to come to his home. Michał prepared a hiding place for them in a pantry with a double wall, which was about 2 meters by ½ meter. It was so narrow that the boys could only lie on their sides. Once a day, one of the members of the family brought them food and emptied out their bedpans. Since one of the pantry’s walls was an exterior wall that meant that sounds could be heard from the outside were they to talk loudly, so they had to be particularly careful. The two Jewish boys stayed in that hiding place until the area was liberated on August 7, 1944. A year later, they left the Ukraine and in 1948 arrived in Israel. From the end of the 1950s, they kept in touch with the Radukhivskis via letters. In 2001, they invited Mikhail’s daughter, who wasborn after the war, to stay with them in their home in Israel. On June 10, 2001, Yad Vashem recognized Michał and Mariya Radukhivski and their son, Mikhail, as Righteous Among the Nations.
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Item ID
Recognition Date
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number