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Zalwowski Franciszek & Zalwowska Tekla ; Son: Michał ; Son: Józef ; Son: Władysław ; Son: Stanisław

File 1151 ZALWOWSKI, FRANCISZEK ZALWOWSKA, TEKLA ZALWOWSKI, JÓZEF ZALWOWSKI, MICHAŁ ZALWOWSKI, WŁADYSŁAW ZALWOWSKI, STANISŁAW Franciszek and Tekla Zalwowski, lived with their four sons- Józef, Michał, Władysław and Stanisław; in the village of Kretowce, near Zbaraż, in the Tarnopol voivodeship (Eastern Galicia). They were poor farmers, barely earning enough money to maintain their household. During the occupation, they have saved the lives of approximately 20 Jews. On the 30th of June 1943, Zamojre Michał, (born in the city of Zbaraż) a prewar friend of the Zalwowskis, came to their house; after escaping from the Tarnopol camp to the local woods on the 28th of June 1943 (the Tarnopol’s camp commander was- Rokita Richard), while working at the railroad tracks (during his imprison at the Tarnopol labor camp; Michał was working with his friend Korenberg Isak (Izaak, Izio), on the railroad tracks; at the Tarnopol-Podwołoczysk section), with his friend Kornberg Izio (who was also born, in the city of Zbaraż). On the 30th of June 1943, 1 a.m., Michał went by himself to the Zalwowski family, while Korenberg Isak (Izaak, Izio), was waiting for him in the field (at place that was set). When Michał knocked on the Zalwowski’s window, and answered: ”… here is Michał Zamojre,” afterwards “…the family members immediately opened the door and invited me to enter their apartment.” Wrote, Zamojre Michał, in his testimony to Yad Vashem. When the family heard that Michał left Izio at the field, they told: “bring him that one more person will be saved.” Moreover, francziszek’s sons said those words: “We will work, but we wont let you to starve.” Wrote, Zamojre Michał, in his testimony to Yad Vashem. The Zalwowski family welcomed Michał, fed him, and gave him a bottle of hot milk and a loaf of bread for his friend Kornberg Izio. Afterwards (Michał returned in order to take Izio from his hiding place at the field, but they were forced to stay there for another 24hours; due to the following reason: on that day (30th of June 1943), the peasants checked in the field, if the crops will be ready for the harvest; it was 30 days before the harvest) afterwards, the two fugitives who were hiding in the field till the midnight, at 1 a.m., they started their journey towards Zalwowski family house; where both of them were kindly accepted. They were hidden in the barn attic where they have met the couple- Mendel Altscher (Altschuler), his wife Regina and their few months baby (“…a beautiful girl; who didn’t know to speak…”, wrote Zamojre Michał), who were already hiding at the attic. Due to the fact that the little infant caused them to fear and unrest; the Zalwowski family (Michał and Józef) members, decided to buy a fishing rod and a few living fishes. At midnight they took the baby, put her into basket, took her with the living fishes, and went to Zbaraż. They have waited till morning, until they went to Mrs. Silard, they told her that this baby was left, and while they were fishing they saw it. Mrs. Silard, took the baby girl, baptized her; and she named her Halinka; and in that way they have managed to save the life on an infant. In addition, Mrs. Zalwowska was hiding in the attic, two little girls named- Sonenszajn (Zoneshein)-Kuziniec Roza (Róża) and her sister, Sonenszajn (Zoneshein) Lusia. But it was not the end of her courage’s help; Zalwowska Tekla, had a ½ hectar of field, in the village of Kretowce near the city of Zbaraż. She was often using it (the field), in order to plant the potatoes; therefore, in the winter she was digging and burying them in that field. On this occasion, she made a hidden bunker under the potatoes, where three fugitives from one family were hiding. This was the story of Krystal Estera (Esther) and her two daughters: Krystal-Mandel Zosia and Krystal-Balas Mania; who escaped from the Tarnopol ghetto, during the last action of ghetto’s liquidation (in June 1943) to the village of Kretowce.Accidentally, they hid at the Zalwowski potatoes field; when the whole Zalwowski family came, in order to dig out the potatoes. “ …he encountered with us, and … instead of round-us-up on the damages that we had dun, he calmed us-down and gave us theirs food that they had with them and his sons immediately dun for us a bunker and regularly provided us food for free and even medicines.” Wrote, Krystal-Balas Mania in her testimony to Yad Vashem. Moreover, the Zalwowski family hid additional group of fugitives, among them were: Korenberg Nachum, a tailor from the city of Tarnopol; Hindes Izio with his son; Edelman Ira; Edelman Edzio; Rechel Rywka; Zusman Aaron and two additional names- Sztenberg and Blaustein (first name unknown). During the whole time, when the fugitives where hiding at Zalwowski family; Michał and Józef worked very hard as salaried farmers on different farms, in order to earn some food. On the 8th of March 1944, the Red Army liberated the area, and the fugitives were free. Afterwards Mrs. Altscher (Altschuler) got back her little daughter; but, unfortunately after few days, Altscher (Altschuler) Mandel was recruited by the Polish Army and was killed in a battle near Warsaw. * This is the list of the fugitives that were saved by the Zalwowski family: Zmojre Michał; Korenberg Isak (Izaak, Izio); Altscher (Altschuler) Mendel; Altscher (Altschuler) Regina; Altscher (Altschuler), Silard Halinka; Sonenszajn (Zoneshein)-Kuziniec Roza (Róża); Sonenszajn (Zoneshein) Lusia; Krystal Estera (Esther); Krystal-Mandel Zosia; Krystal-Balas Mania; Edelman Ida; Edelman Edzio; Korenberg Nachum; Hindes Izio whith his son; Rechel Rywka; Sztenberg; Blaustein and Zusman Aaaron. After the war, Altscher (Altschuler) Regina with her daughter (Halina) moved to the city of Bytom where she married again, and from Bytom, they emigrated from Poland to unknown distance; while, Krystal-Mandel Zosia and her sister Krystal-Balas Mania emigrated to Israel andsettled-down in Ramat Gan; Zmojre Michał also emigrated to Israel but he settled-down in Hod HaSharon; Korenberg Isak (Izaak, Izio) emigrated to United States and settled-down in New-York. On the 17th of July 1977, Yad Vashem recognized Zalwowski Franciszek, his wife, Zalwowska Tekla, and their sons, Józef, Michał, Władysław, and Stanisław Zalwowski, as a Righteous Among the Nations.
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Date of Birth
Date of Death
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Ceremony Place
Warsaw, Poland
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number