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Tiburzio Giuseppe ; Father: Giovanni ; Mother: Emma

Tiburzio, Emma Tiburzio, Giovanni Tiburzio, Giuseppe In Palanfrè di Vernante, in October 1943, Giuseppe Tiburzio, an Italian soldier, met Paula Gotlieb (later Vezina) and her father Joachim, among a group of refugees from Saint Martin Vésubie. Eleven-year-old Paula, born in Charleroi, had escaped from Belgium with her parents, at first finding refuge in Nice. Her mother had been arrested and deported to Auschwitz. She never returned. Giuseppe suggested to Paula’s father that he could take Paula to his parents, in Venice. A short time later, the father was imprisoned with other members of the group and then deported to Auschwitz. He also never returned. When Giuseppe Tiburzio took Paula along with him, he was placing himself at serious risk. Paula was suffering from a high fever, she had no papers, and, as she was delirious, she spoke Yiddish at times. They were traveling in a train full of German soldiers, and it was difficult for Giuseppe to convince her to be quiet. Thus, Giuseppe jeopardized his life for her sake, because, in case of discovery, he could have been shot on the spot. When, finally, Paula arrived at the house of Giuseppe’s parents Giovanni and Emma Tiburzio, she was received with open arms. Although those were difficult times economically, there was nothing these kind people would not do for the girl. They sacrificed a lot to keep her safe and happy, providing for all her needs and paying for her schooling at the best school in Venice. Emma used to cut up her old dresses to make smaller ones for Paula. Moreover, the promise Giuseppe had made to Paula’s father that he would keep the girl’s Jewish faith was honored. Occasionally, the Tiburzios heard that other houses were being searched by Germans who were looking for Jews; still, it did not change their attitude. Paula received an excellent education and never stopped appreciating the love and kindness of her rescuers. In Milan, in 1955, in celebration of the tenth anniversary of theliberation, the Union of the Jewish Communities in Italy awarded Giuseppe Tiburzio a gold medal in appreciation of his deeds on behalf of Jews. On November 14, 1974, Yad Vashem recognized Giuseppe Tiburzio and his parents, Giovanni and Emma Tiburzio, as Righteous Among the Nations.
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Ceremony Place
Rome, Italy
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number