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Ricotti Cipriano

Ceremony in Honor of Cipriano Ricotti in the Hall of Remembrance. Yad Vashem, 02.05.1973
Ceremony in Honor of Cipriano Ricotti in the Hall of Remembrance. Yad Vashem, 02.05.1973
Ricotti, Father Cipriano Father Cipriano Ricotti, a Dominican friar from San Marco monastery in Florence, played a leading role in the Jewish-Christian committee rescue network in Florence, which was headed by Rabbi Dr. Nathan Cassuto from late September 1943 until his arrest in late November. The operation in which he was involved to help save persecuted Jews was conducted under the auspices of Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa with the cooperation of Don Leto Casini*, Don Giulio Facibeni*, Don Giovanni Simioni*, Don Angelo Dalla Torre*, Leonilda Pancani*, Mother Superior Sandra Busnelli*, Mother Benedetta Vespignani* and others. Father Ricotti accompanied Cassini to the various monasteries in an effort to arrange accommodations for the many refugees who arrived in Florence, escaping from southern France, through Saint Martin Vésubie and Borgo San Dalmazzo. Delasem directed hundreds of them to Florence, Leghorn and Rome. The San Marco monastery developed into a center for all Jews in need in the area. According to Cassin’s testimony, he not only helped persecuted Jews to escape deportation by arranging hiding places for them, he also provided many others with false documents, identity cards, and food-ration cards. With these documents many were able to proceed to the south of Italy to the liberated zone. He was very persuasive and succeeded in raising both funds and actual assistance. Since his activities were no secret, he was warned that an order for his arrest had been issued. He escaped from Florence to a Dominican monastery in Prato, but he could not remain idle and inactive. In spite of the personal danger, he returned, in the hope that the arrest order had been forgotten. Father Ricotti constantly offered consolation, and his visits aroused hope in the hearts of the people in hiding. He was virtually their only contact with the outside world. Father Ricottti jeopardized his life and position in the church. Despite the searches for Jews conducted in themonasteries, he once opened his private room in the monastery in order to put up a Jewish family in need of a hiding place. This was a deed that was strictly prohibited for religious reasons; nevertheless, he felt he had to do so. On December 10, 1972, Yad Vashem recognized Father Cipriano Ricotti as Righteous Among the Nations.
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