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Aniszkiewicz Celina ; Son: Jozef ; Daughter: Skuratowicz Wanda (Aniszkiewicz); Daughter: Boleslawa

From right to left - Leo Slawin, his wife Gleria and the rescuers' grandson P. Rogach
From right to left - Leo Slawin, his wife Gleria and the rescuers' grandson P. Rogach
Aniszkiewicz, Celina Skuratowicz (Aniszkiewicz), Wanda Aniszkiewicz, Bolesława Aniszkiewicz, Josef Celina Aniszkiewicz, a Polish widow, lived with her children, Wanda (b. 1925), Bolesława (b. 1928), and Josef (b. 1916), on a farm not far from the town of Duniłowicze, Wilno District (today Dunilavichy, Vitsebsk District). One cold night in late 1942, Celina Aniszkiewicz’s good friend Sonia Slawin arrived at her home with her husband, Jeremiah, and their young children, Leo and Basia (later Jesin). In late November 1942, when the Jews of Duniłowicze were massacred, the Slawin family managed to hide and then four days later they began to wander around the countryside looking for shelter. Despite their dire financial situation and the danger, the Aniszkiewiczes agreed to hide the Jewish family in their home. During the day, the Slawins hid in the barn and they entered the house at night, where they ate and went to sleep on the floor. When the temperature dropped further, the Slawins moved into the Aniszkiewiczes’ home, where they hid in a hiding place under the bedroom floor. Celina feared being denounced by her neighbors but she nevertheless promised the Slawins that she would not send them back outside into the freezing cold. In May 1943, after a significant rise in the temperature, the Slawins went to hide in the forest. After the war, the Slawins moved to the United States and to Canada. The Aniszkiewiczes remained in Soviet Belarus. On June 24, 1993, Yad Vashem recognized Celina Aniszkiewicz and her children, Wanda Skuratowicz, Bolesława,
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Item ID
Recognition Date
Ceremony Place
Minsk, Belarus
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number