Vigaš, Ondrej
Vigašová, Agnesa
Vigaš, Ondrej
The Feldmann family – Moric, Elza, and their son Milan (b. 1928, later Yehudah Nir) – from Vrútky survived the deportations of 1942 because of an exemption certificate granted Moric. After the suppression of the uprising in October 1944, the family fled to the mountains near Banská Bystrica with an uncle and a grandfather. Mother Elza, the grandfather, and the uncle were soon caught and executed in Kremnička. Moric and his son were left distraught and penniless – as Elza was carrying all the family funds when she was caught. Moric and his son decided to leave the mountains and to try to find a shelter with one of the farmers in the area. They went to the village of Rudlová (today part of Banská Bystrica) and knocked on the door of one of the houses. They had arrived at the home of the Vigaš family – Ondrej, Agnesa, and their six children. The fugitives introduced themselves as casualties of the bombardment of Vrútky who were looking for refuge. It was obvious to the Vigašes that the two were Jews but they nevertheless welcomed them warmly into their home. Moric and Milan had false papers and thus lived openly in the Vigaš home. In early March 1945, Ondrej Vigaš, the eldest son, joined the partisans. At this time, the Feldmanns also left the Vigaš home for the mountains in order not to get caught by the Germans in the final stages of the war. The Feldmanns made their way eastward to try and reach the liberated areas. At the end of March they reached Brezno, which had already been liberated. After a long period of no communication, Milan and Ondrej Vigaš, Jr. renewed contact with each other following the collapse of the communist regime in 1990. Ondrej Sr. and Agnesa, as well as Moric, were no longer alive.
On March 16, 1992, Yad Vashem recognized Ondrej Vigaš, Agnesa Vigašová, and their son, Ondrej Vigaš, as Righteous Among the Nations.