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Włodarczyk Marian & Zofia

File 4652 WŁODARCZYK, MARIAN WŁODARCZYK, ZOFIA Marian and Zofia Włodarczyk lived prior to the war and during the occupation in Kraków. Marian worked as a messenger in a Kraków firm owned by Fleischer, which employed many Jews before the war. One of them was Moshe (Mosze) Bejski. In 1942, Mosze escaped from a labor camp in Płaszów (near Kraków) and tried to get to Działoszyce, where his parents’ home stood. He miraculously did not lose his life in the next Aktion, and, along with his friend Salek Kacengold, he arrived in Kraków. He knew only one address besides the ghetto camp. This was the Włodarczyks’ address, and there he went. The Włodarczyks lived in a single room apartment without a kitchen. They accepted the fugitives warmly and affectionately into their home. To his surprise, Mosze found another employee from the Fleischer firm there who, as it turned out, had been hiding with them for some time (his family name was- Flintenshtein). Thus, the Włodarczyks’ single room apartment was now the home of three people besides the Włodarczyks themselves. Mosze reached the conclusion that he could not stay with the Włodarczyks because of the lack of space, as well as the numerous neighbors living in the same building in the city’s outskirts. He decided to return to the camp in Płaszów, where his two brothers were still imprisoned. Włodarczyk opposed Mosze’s plan and suggested that he stay at least until he could obtain proper documents. When this plan failed, Mosze returned to the camp and Kacengold moved to the Kraków ghetto. On Mosze’s request, Włodarczyk went to his parents’ house in Działoszyce and brought back a few suitcases, the contents of which he later sold, delivering the money and the goods bought with it to Mosze and his brothers in the camp. “I know, that other Jews, workers of the Fleischer firm, were also hiding with the Włodarczyks. [Włodarczyk] closed the door on no one who was looking for shelter - for a day, two ormore. He shared their simple food with us and didn’t want to accept money, even though he was a very poor man,” wrote Dr. Mosze Bejski in his testimony. On May 31, 1990, Yad Vashem recognized Marian Włodarczyk and his wife, Zofia Włodarczyk, as Righteous Among the Nations.
Last Name
First Name
Date of Death
Item ID
Recognition Date
Ceremony Place
Warsaw, Poland
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number