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Makara Rozalia ; Son: Marian

Rozalia Makara (sitting from right). The survivors are standing behind: fron left: Alek Nadel, Lusia Nadel, Marian Nadel & Kuba Nadel. Bielawa, Polanld, 1950
Rozalia Makara (sitting from right). The survivors are standing behind: fron left: Alek Nadel, Lusia Nadel, Marian Nadel & Kuba Nadel. Bielawa, Polanld, 1950
Makara, Rozalia Makara, Marian In September 1942, when the establishment of the ghetto in Drohobycz, in the Lwow district, was announced, Lusia Nadel and her two children turned to Rozalia Makara, their former neighbor, and asked her to give them shelter in her spacious apartment in the center of the city, where she lived with her son, Marian. In April 1944, Marian Nadel (Lusia’s husband), his brother Jicchak, his brother-in-law Jicchak Tuch, his wife Anna and their son Ruwen, and a friend, Izydor Tune, fled from a labor camp in the vicinity. All six came to Makara’s apartment, and despite the risk to her and her son, she hid them in her cellar. Although all the refugees who came to her home were destitute, Makara provided them with food and other necessities without asking or receiving anything in return. A short while later, German military personnel expropriated the Makaras’ home and demanded that they evacuate it immediately. The two left their apartment and moved to a room in a neighbor’s home, but they did not abandon the Jews they were sheltering in their cellar and continued to visit them in the dead of night, bringing them food and clean clothing. In August 1944, the nine Jewish refugees were liberated by the Red Army. After the war, they left Poland and most of them immigrated to Israel, while the Makaras, who had saved their lives, moved to Wrocław, within Poland’s new borders. The survivors always remembered Rozalia Makara and her son Marian as people possessed of humanitarian values, who had saved their lives when they were imperiled. On February 16, 1965, Yad Vashem recognized Rozalia Makara and her son Marian Makara as Righteous Among the Nations.
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Recognition Date
Ceremony Place
Warsaw, Poland
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number