Czerewaniów, Jan
Czerewaniów, Katarzyna
Early in the occupation period, Katarzyna Czerewaniów and her husband, Jan, who lived in the town of Dubno, in the Volhynia district, worked in the primary school, where they soon became friends with Wiktor and Fania Goldsztein. In the summer of 1942, shortly before the liquidation of the Dubno ghetto, the Goldszteins asked the Czerewanióws to save their six-month-old daughter, Halina. The Czerewanióws, who were childless, thought the best way of saving Halina was to adopt her as their own daughter. Despite obtaining a birth certificate for her in her name, Katarzyna Czerewaniów was reported to the Ukrainian police and interrogated. Although she was tortured, Czerewaniów denied that the child was Jewish, claiming she was the illegitimate child of a woman who had had an affair with her husband. Since Halina’s parents perished, and no one came forward to claim her after the war, Halina stayed with the Czerewanióws, who moved to Wroclaw, where they raised her as their own child.
On October 22, 1988, Yad Vashem recognized Katarzyna Czerewaniów and Jan Czerewaniów as Righteous Among the Nations.