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Perez Luigi & Sandra

Perez, Luigi Perez, Sandra In 1943, Moshe Shapiro, originally from Merano, was living with the Sacchi* family on their farm in the village of Sustinente in Mantua province. In mid-1944, with the worsening security situation in the area, 18-year-old Shapiro was determined not to endanger his protectors any longer, and he decided to leave. He obtained false papers from the village priest and set out in search of a safe haven, wandering aimlessly on foot for days. Exhausted, he stopped one day to rest in a small church. The local priest showed interest in Shapiro, so he confided in him, saying he had no more strength to run. To his surprise, the priest was attentive and willing to help. He supplied Shapiro with a letter of recommendation to Count Luigi Perez in Verona. The latter owned land in the area around the church. When they met, Shapiro realized that the count was expecting him, and he was more than willing to extend help. Using the name Mario, he worked at the count’s house in Gazzo Veronese as his attendant. He stayed protected under the count’s roof until April 1945. The fact that Perez introduced a Jew into his household involved great risk for him, his wife Sandra, and his family, yet he did not hesitate to do so. He treated Shapiro kindly, making him feel like a member of his family. After the war, when Shapiro met the Jewish Brigade soldiers passing through the area, he made contact with them, hoping to realize his dream of immigrating to Eretz Israel. At the beginning of 1946, Shapiro left Italy on board the Enzo Sereni. Since then Shapiro has maintained warm contact with Count Perez and his wife. On August 2, 1999, Yad Vashem recognized Luigi and Sandra Perez as Righteous Among the Nations.
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Recognition Date
Ceremony Place
Rome, Italy
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
File Number