Norrild, inga
Norrild, Svend
Inga and Svend Norrild, underground activists in Denmark, were involved in rescue operations of persecuted Jews. Svend was effective in arranging safe houses and food for Jews who were waiting to join a group that would be smuggled out from the country to Sweden. Svend Norrild was a high-school teacher at that time and he risked his life by lecturing against the Germans. October ‘43 became the title of a book written by the teacher Aage Bertelsen describing the heroic events that took place then. The Norrilds were members of what became known as “the Lyngby Group,” a network of underground workers dedicated to the efforts to smuggle Jews to Sweden. This group managed to send 622 Jews to Sweden. Ella Cohen nee Katzenstein recalled that the Norrilds helped rescue her family – her parents and their 14 children.
On November 15, 1995, Yad Vashem recognized Inga and Svend Norrild as Righteous Among the Nations.