File 3279
Rozencweig-Błyszczuk, Maria
Before the war, Dr. Rozencweig Emil became acquainted with Błyszczuk Maria, a nurse who worked with him in the TB hospital in Czortków, in eastern Galicia. In 1941, after the Germans occupied the city, Rozencweig was interned in the ghetto, and the two met only infrequently. When the Aktionen to liquidate the ghetto began in 1942, Błyszczuk decided to save Dr. Rozencweig. She rented an apartment in her name in the city, converted it into a shelter, and stocked it with food. In June 1942, Błyszczuk transferred Dr. Rozencweig to the shelter, and looked after him and saw to his needs for about half a year. In late 1942, the Ukrainian police discovered the hiding place, but Rozencweig escaped and gave his pursuers the slip. Błyszczuk, aware that the Ukrainian police were after her, also fled and hid outside the city. Rozencweig found shelter with a Ukrainian family and survived. After the liberation, he met Błyszczuk, married her, and moved with her to Kraków.
On October 10, 1985, Yad Vashem recognized Rozencweig Maria (née: Błyszczuk) as Righteous Among the Nations.