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Chevrier Félix

Fleix and Blauche Chevrier
Fleix and Blauche Chevrier
Chevrier, Félix File 8482 Félix Chevrier, a journalist and a composer, was a Socialist activist and a Free Mason. In November 1939, he agreed to run a home for Jewish children under the auspices of the OSE organization. He set it up in the Château de Chabannes, in Saint Pierre de Fursac (Creuse). Up to 120 Jewish children from Germany, Austria, Poland, and elsewhere stayed there. Chevrier and his team were able to instill a sense of well-being and happiness in their wards, while respecting their religious identity. The director saw to it that Shabbat and religious holidays were observed. On August 26, 1942, French gendarmes arrived at Chabannes and forcibly arrested six youngsters aged fifteen and over, of whom only two survived deportation. This was a rude awakening for Félix Chevrier who decided to do everything in his power to protect the other children. On September 1, the gendarmerie ordered him to hand over ten girls and boys whose names were on a list they gave him. The children were all former inmates of the Gurs and Rivesaltes camps. Taking advantage of spelling mistakes and other errors on the list, the director said that four of the ten were “unknown” and the other six had “fled” by the time the gendarmes arrived without anyone noticing their departure. Captain Chaumet, who headed the gendarmerie in Guéret, wrote in his report: “It is clear from my investigation that M. Chevrier, who knew we were coming, did nothing to prevent the children’s flight. However, I found no evidence which could lead me to write that he encouraged it.” During the following months, Félix Chevrier organized the flight of the children into the forest whenever an alarm was given concerning a possible raid by the gendarmes. Towards the end of 1943, the OSE decided to close the home and disperse the children. The director implemented the decision while making sure all inmates and staff members were safe. He had been helped by the moral support he was getting from the villagepeople. On May 3, 1999, Yad Vashem recognized Félix Chevrier as Righteous among the Nations.
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Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
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